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December 96 - New QuickDraw 3D Geometries

New QuickDraw 3D Geometries

Philip J. Schneider

A number of new QuickDraw 3D geometric primitives can save you time as you create 3D objects -- from footballs to the onion domes of the Taj Mahal. Most of these new primitives are very versatile, but this versatility comes at the cost of some complexity. Here you'll find a discussion of their various features and uses, with special attention to the differences among the features and structural characteristics of the polyhedral primitives. Being aware of these differences will help you make the right choices when you're using these primitives in a particular application.

When QuickDraw 3D version 1.0 made its debut, it came with 12 geometric primitives that you could use to model pretty much anything you wanted. With applied cleverness, you could make arbitrary shapes by combining and manipulating such primitives as polylines, polygons, parametric curves and surfaces, and polyhedra. Because some shapes are so commonly used, recent versions of QuickDraw 3D have added them as high-level primitives, including two new polyhedral primitives. This frees each developer from having to reinvent them and ensures that the new primitives are implemented in such a way as to fit nicely with the existing paradigm in QuickDraw 3D.

We'll start by looking at how the new ellipse primitive was designed. A similar paradigm was used in creating most of the other new high-level primitives. Understanding their design will help you use them effectively. Later, we'll move on to the two new polyhedral primitives -- the polyhedron and the trimesh -- which you can use to model very complex objects. We'll also take a fresh look at the mesh and trigrid, which have been around for a while, and compare the usefulness of all four polyhedral primitives. Along the way, you'll find some relevant background information about the QuickDraw 3D team's design philosophy.

I'm going to assume that you're already familiar with the capabilities of QuickDraw 3D, including how to use the original 12 geometric primitives. But if you want more basic information, see the articles "QuickDraw 3D: A New Dimension for Macintosh Graphics" in develop Issue 22 and "The Basics of QuickDraw 3D Geometries" in Issue 23. The book 3D Graphics Programming With QuickDraw 3D has complete documentation for the QuickDraw 3D programming interfaces for version 1.0. Version 1.5 of QuickDraw 3D, which supports these new primitives, is now available.

To get you started using the new primitives, the code listings shown here accompany this article on this issue's CD and develop's Web site.

    Aficionados of QuickDraw 3D use a variety of terms to refer to a geometric primitive. But a geometric primitive by any other name (primitive geometric shape, basic geometric object, geometric primitive object, or geometry) is still a geometric primitive.*


One category of geometric primitives is conics, quadrics, and quartics; this class includes such shapes as ellipses, disks, ellipsoids (the generalization of spheres), cones, cylinders, and tori (doughnuts). Each of these shapes is a recently introduced primitive that's defined with a paradigm similar to the one already used in the box primitive. I'll begin by explaining how the ellipse primitive works because the same basic approach is used for the more complex geometries.


My article "NURB Curves: A Guide for the Uninitiated" in develop Issue 25 describes how you can make circles and partial circles with NURB curves. Though you can further use NURB curves to make ellipses and elliptical arcs by manipulating the locations of the control points, this isn't necessarily the most convenient way to do it. So QuickDraw 3D now provides an ellipse primitive. The data structure for the ellipse is as follows:
typedef struct TQ3EllipseData {
   TQ3Point3D         origin;
   TQ3Vector3D        majorRadius;
   TQ3Vector3D        minorRadius;
   float              uMin, uMax;
   TQ3AttributeSet    ellipseAttributeSet;
} TQ3EllipseData;
Let's assume we have a variable declared like this:
TQ3EllipseData      ellipseData;
As we go over the ellipse primitive, I'll explain the various fields in the data structure, then fill them in as I tell you how they work. Let's take for our example a special case of an ellipse -- a circle of radius 2 that lies in the {x, y} plane, with an origin at {3, 2, 0} -- and show how we'd define it in QuickDraw 3D. For starters, a circle must have a center. One way QuickDraw 3D could do this is always center the circle at the point {0, 0, 0} and then have us translate the circle to the desired location. However, it seems a bit odd to be able to make, say, a line with arbitrary endpoints, but not be able to make a circle with an arbitrary center. So, as shown in Figure 1, a QuickDraw 3D circle follows the paradigm for primitives and has an explicit center, called the origin in the data structure:
Q3Point3D_Set(&ellipseData.origin, 3, 2, 0);

Figure 1. Defining a circle's origin, size, and plane

Of course, circles must have a size. Again, QuickDraw 3D could make all circles a unit size (that is, have a radius of 1) and then require us to scale them appropriately. But, for the same reason that the circle has an explicit center, it has an explicit size.

Given an origin and size, we have to specify the plane in which the circle lies in 3D space. Though it would be possible for QuickDraw 3D to define a circle's plane by default -- say, the {x, z} plane -- and require us to rotate the circle into the desired plane, QuickDraw 3D lets us define the radius with a vector whose length is the radius. Then we similarly define a second radius perpendicular to the first radius. The cross product of these two vectors (majorRadius and minorRadius) defines the plane the ellipse lies in:

Q3Vector3D_Set(&ellipseData.majorRadius, 2, 0, 0);
Q3Vector3D_Set(&ellipseData.minorRadius, 0, 2, 0);
In other words, the plane the circle lies in passes through the origin of the circle, and the cross product of the majorRadius and minorRadius vectors is perpendicular to the plane (see Figure 1).

For a full circle, we need to set uMin to 0 and uMax to 1 (more on this later):

ellipseData.uMin = 0;
ellipseData.uMax = 1;
As for the final field in the data structure, ellipseAttributeSet, QuickDraw 3D includes this field so that we can, for instance, make screaming yellow ellipses:
ellipseData.ellipseAttributeSet = Q3AttributeSet_New();
Q3ColorRGB_Set(&color, 1, 1, 0);
   kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor, &color);
Finally, we create an ellipse object that describes the circle:
ellipse = Q3Ellipse_New(&ellipseData);
Or we can use the data structure in a Submit call in immediate mode (for rendering, bounding, picking, or writing):
Q3Ellipse_Submit(&ellipseData, view);
The ellipse comes with the usual array of calls for getting and setting individual definitional properties, as well as the entire definition, just like the other primitives.

Why all of this power just for a circle? This power gives us flexibility. Let's use some of the object-editing calls to make some more interesting shapes. We'll start by making an ellipse out of the circle we've just constructed. If you recall, we originally made the circle with majorRadius and minorRadius equal to 2. So to make an ellipse instead of a mere circle, all we have to do is make majorRadius and minorRadius different lengths. To get the first ellipse you see in Figure 2, we can use this:

Q3Vector3D_Set(&vector, 0, 1, 0);
Q3Ellipse_SetMinorRadius(ellipse, &vector);
"But wait," you say, "vectors have direction as well as size!" Well, we can get really carried away and make the two defining vectors nonperpendicular to get something like the second ellipse shown in Figure 2:
Q3Vector3D_Set(&vector, 1, 2, 0);
Q3Ellipse_SetMinorRadius(ellipse, &vector);

Figure 2. Defining a regular and skewed ellipse

All we have left is how to define partial ellipses. We can do this by taking a parametric approach. Let's say that an ellipse starts at u = 0 and goes to u = 1. Then we have to define the starting point. Let's make it be the same point that's at the end of the vector defining majorRadius in the first circle in Figure 3. To make a partial ellipse (that is, an elliptical or circular arc), we specify the parametric values of the starting and ending points for the arc:

Q3Ellipse_SetParameterLimits(ellipse, 0.05, 0.3);

Figure 3. Defining a partial ellipse

This gives us an elliptical (or in this case, circular) arc, as shown in Figure 3. (The dotted line isn't actually rendered -- it's just there for diagrammatic reasons.) Though the starting and ending points must be between 0 and 1, inclusive, we can make the starting point have a greater value than the ending point:

Q3Ellipse_SetParameterLimits(ellipse, 0.875, 0.125);
As you can also see in Figure 3, this allows us to "wrap around" the point u = 0.
    In version 1.5 of QuickDraw 3D, the feature for defining partials is not enabled, so until it is, you must set the minimum and maximum parameter limits to 0 and 1, respectively.*
About now, you're probably thinking that all this power and flexibility for just a simple ellipse is overkill and that the preceding explanation is overkill, too. Sorry about that, but there is a reason -- it turns out that we can take this same approach to defining disks, ellipsoids, cones, cylinders, and tori.


If you go back over the past few pages and substitute disk for ellipse, you pretty much get everything you need to know. The data structure and functionality are analogous, except that disks are filled primitives, like polygons, while ellipses are curvilinear primitives, like polylines. So, partial disks are like pie slices rather than arcs. The only other difference is that since disks are surfaces rather than curves, they have parameters in two directions. Figure 4 illustrates the definition of a disk, including the U and V parameters.

Figure 4. Defining a disk

Note that the UV surface parameterization for the disk is different from the parametric limit values around the perimeter of the disk. The UV surface parameterization was chosen so that an image applied as a texture would appear on the disk or end cap as if it were applied as a decal. The values associated with positions around the perimeter are used for making partial disks, just as we used them to make partial ellipses. The distinct parametric limit values (uMin and uMax) are necessary so that the partial end caps on partial cones and cylinders will properly match. If the surface parameterization for the disk meant that the U direction went around the perimeter, you'd have a nearly impossible time applying decal-like textures.


Now, I want you to hold two thoughts in your head at the same time: recall that the box primitive is defined by an origin and three vectors, which define the lengths and orientations of the edges of the box, and then think about the definition of the ellipse. Doing that, you should be able to imagine how we define, say, a sphere -- we just add another vector to the definition of the ellipse!

Figure 5 shows how an ellipsoid (a sphere), cone, cylinder, and torus are defined with respect to an origin and three vectors (the labels being fields in the corresponding data structures). Note that the torus requires one more piece of information to allow for elliptical cross sections: the ratio between the length of the orientation vector (which gives the radius of the "tube" of the torus in the orientation direction) and the radius of the tube of the torus in the majorRadius direction. With the resulting torus primitive, you can make a circular torus with an elliptical cross section, or an elliptical torus with a circular cross section, or an elliptical torus with an elliptical cross section. (Hmm...perhaps I was drinking too much coffee when I designed the torus.)

Figure 5. Creating four primitive objects and applying texture

You use the U and V parameters to map a texture onto a shape. In Figure 5, the U and V parameters have their origins and orientations relative to the surface in what should be the most intuitive layout. If you apply a texture to the object, the image appears as most people would expect.

  • For the ellipsoid, the parametric origin is at the south pole, with V going upward toward the north pole, and U going around the axis in a counterclockwise direction (when viewed from the north pole).

  • For the cone and cylinder, the parametric origin is on the bottom edge, at the point where the majorRadius vector ends. V goes up while U goes around in the direction shown by the arrows. The bottom of the cone, and the top and bottom of the cylinder, are parameterized exactly like the disk.

  • For the torus, the parametric origin is located at the point on the inner edge where the majorRadius goes through it. V goes around as shown by the arrow, and U goes around the "outside" of the entire torus.
By changing the relative lengths of the majorRadius, minorRadius, and orientation vectors, you can get ellipsoids, cones, cylinders, and tori with elliptical cross sections, similar to how we made a circle into an ellipse earlier.

So to make an ellipsoid that's a sphere, you make the majorRadius, minorRadius, and orientation vectors the same length as well as mutually perpendicular. To make an elliptical cylinder, you can vary the lengths of the three vectors. Even more fun can be had by making the vectors nonperpendicular -- this makes skewed or sheared objects. This is easy to see with a cylinder (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Creating an elliptical or sheared cylinder

You can make partial disks, cones, cylinders, and tori in a fashion analogous to what we did with the ellipse (see Figure 7). Since these are surfaces, you can set a minimum and maximum for each direction.

Figure 7. A partial cylinder and cone

One important thing to notice is that the "wraparound" effect I showed with the ellipse, by making uMin be greater than uMax, is possible with all the other primitives in this category, but the equivalent feature in the V direction is possible only with the torus. For example, the cone wraps around naturally in the U direction because the face itself is one continuous surface in that direction, but the surface doesn't wrap in the V direction.

Some of you must be wondering what we can do with the ends of cones and cylinders. Do we want them left open so that the cones look like dunce caps and the cylinders look like tubes? Or do we want them to be closed so that they appear as if they were true solid objects? You may have already wondered about a similar issue when we used the uMax and uMin parameter values to cut away part of the object. Do we make a sphere look like a hollow ball, or like a solid ball that's been cut into?

To take care of these issues, the ellipsoid, cone, cylinder, and torus have an extra field in their data structures that you can use to tell the system which of these end caps to draw:

typedef enum TQ3EndCapMasks {
   kQ3EndCapNone           = 0,
   kQ3EndCapMaskTop        = 1 << 0,
   kQ3EndCapMaskBottom     = 1 << 1,
   kQ3EndCapMaskInterior   = 1 << 2
} TQ3EndCapMasks;

typedef unsigned long TQ3EndCap;
    The end cap is a bit of a misnomer, as it refers to the end caps of the cone and cylinder as well as to the "interior end caps" that are the analog to the base and top caps of the cylinder for the portion at the boundary of the cutaway.*
What about attributes? As for all other geometries in QuickDraw 3D, there is an attribute set for the entire geometry, so you can make the entire cone, say, all one color, or apply a texture to the entire object. But you're probably wondering about all these end caps. For example, you might want to have different textures for a solid cylinder's top end cap, face, and interior end caps, as shown in Figure 8. The data structures for the ellipsoid, cone, cylinder, and torus have fields for storing these types of attributes.

Figure 8. Cylinders with and without end caps or interior end caps


In version 1.5, QuickDraw 3D has four different types of shared-vertex primitives, or polyhedral primitives -- the mesh and trigrid, and the newer polyhedron and trimesh. These primitives vary in such characteristics as memory use, rendering speed, and suitability for representing models. To a great extent, their usefulness is governed by how closely each primitive's design follows the original QuickDraw 3D design philosophy. (For some background, see the philosophical aside, "QuickDraw 3D Design Principles.") Of the four polyhedral primitives, the polyhedron and the trigrid best conform to the design standards set out by the QuickDraw 3D team. I'll begin by describing the design characteristics of the polyhedron, followed by discussion of the other three. Then I'll compare the four primitives and discuss their best uses.


    The founders of the QuickDraw 3D team had as a primary design tenet that retained mode and immediate mode would be coequal in the API in every "renderable" component (geometric primitives, transforms, styles, and attributes). Most other graphics systems support only one mode or, if both, one is given short shrift in the API. The intention for QuickDraw 3D was to allow developers to make decisions based on such things as their programming style and preferences and their particular program needs.

    This intention manifests itself in several ways. For example, in most cases the calls that create an object take the address of a public data structure as an argument, and this argument is exactly the same as that for the immediate-mode Submit call:

    TQ3GeometryObject      polyhedron;
    TQ3PolyhedronData      polyhedronData;
    ...   /* Fill in poly data structure here. */
    /* Create a polyhedron object... */
    polyhedron = Q3Polyhedron_New(&polyhedronData);
    /* ...or use immed. mode with same struct. */
    Q3Polyhedron_Submit(&polyhedronData, view);
    Further, the Get and Set object-editing calls take arguments that correspond to the part of the public data structure being retrieved or modified (or both). Here, you see how to retrieve the sixth vertex from the polyhedron and add a normal to it:
    TQ3Vertex3D      vertex;
    TQ3Vector3D      normal = { 0, 1, 0 };
    Q3Polyhedron_GetVertex(poly, 5, &vertex);
       kQ3AttributeTypeNormal, &normal);
    It was also intended that the developer be able to mix immediate mode and retained mode graphics freely and use these modes alternately or even simultaneously for one geometric primitive (transform, and so forth). Thus, you can easily use immediate mode for a triangle and then later make it a retained object and place it in a group. If you have a retained object, you can retrieve its data structure and use it in an immediate-mode call. The following code retrieves the representation from a polyhedron object and then uses it to make an immediate-mode rendering call:
    TQ3PolyhedronData      polyhedronData;
    Q3Polyhedron_GetData(polyhedron, &polyhedronData);
    Q3Polyhedron_Submit(&polyhedronData, view); 
    This capability is important if an application uses immediate mode but reads in models from 3DMF files (which creates objects). The application can retrieve the data structure from the object with a GetData call and then dispose of the object with Q3Object_Dispose.

    There's also a rich set of editing calls for retained objects. While this makes the API rather large, it allows retained mode to have much of the flexibility of immediate mode. In some display-list or object-oriented graphics systems (or systems with both), such editing was often awkward to program and inefficient. The design of QuickDraw 3D, however, makes these operations easy, consistent, and convenient.

    Another design principle that pervades QuickDraw 3D is that you define properties by creating attribute set objects and locating them as close as possible (in the data structures) to the item to which they apply. For example, attribute sets for vertices are contained in a data structure along with the location (coordinates):

    typedef struct TQ3Vertex3D {
       TQ3Point3D        point;
       TQ3AttributeSet   attributeSet;
    } TQ3Vertex3D;
    The consistent use of attribute sets for vertices, faces, and entire geometric primitives has two significant benefits. First, it allows for a reduction in space when the same data is to be applied to a number of faces (or vertices or geometries). For example, a shared texture needs to be stored only once, and each face using it simply has a reference (a pointer) to it. Second, only a single modification to an attribute set is needed to change the properties of all faces (or vertices or geometries) that have a reference to that attribute set.

    Not least, a notable design criterion was consistency in naming, ordering, and structuring, because with an API so large it would be easy to get lost. For example, all of the primitives that have explicit vertices (like polyhedra, lines, triangles, polygons, and trigrids) use as the type of their vertices TQ3Vertex3D (with the exception of the trimesh). Also, the editing calls for all the objects are cut from the same cloth.


One common way of making a polyhedral primitive is to have an array of points, with a list of faces (often triangles) to organize the points. Each face usually consists of a list of indices into the list of vertices, so basically this is a polygon with one level of array-based indirection. If there is more than one face, the vertices can be shared by simply reusing the same array indices in each face. This allows the graphics system to run faster because the same point doesn't have to be transformed or shaded more than once, and it saves quite a lot of storage space. In addition, because two or more faces share only one real vertex, this type of polyhedral primitive can make it easier to program interactive editing.

The design philosophy for the geometry of type kQ3GeometryTypePolyhedron -- from now on, let's call it the polyhedron -- was to implement this idea in a way that was consistent with all the other QuickDraw 3D primitives. The basic entity for polygonal primitives (line, triangle, polygon, and so forth) is TQ3Vertex3D, which is an {x, y, z} location with an attribute set. For consistency with the rest of the geometric primitives, the polyhedron also uses this data structure for its vertices.

The vertices of adjacent triangular faces are shared simply by using the same vertex indices. Also, sets of attributes may be shared like other objects in QuickDraw 3D:

vertex->attributeSet =
Vertices can contain the same locations, but may or may not share attributes. This can be quite useful, for example, if you have a polyhedron you want to be generally smooth-looking, but it has some edges or corners where you want a discontinuity. For example, consider the cross section of a polyhedral object in Figure 9. Each location is shared, and vertices at positions A, B, D, and E share normals, while the vertices at position C share the location but not the normal. So when smooth-shaded, the object has an edge or corner at position C but appears smooth elsewhere.

Figure 9. A cross section of a polyhedron with all vertices sharing locations but not attributes

Another advantage to this approach is that values in an attribute set apply to all vertices sharing that attribute set, so operations on it simultaneously affect all the vertices to which it's attached. Of course, this applies to attributes on faces as well. For example, though you can texture an entire object by attaching the texture to the attribute set for the object, you can more naturally associate a single texture with a group of faces by simply having each face contain a shared reference to the texture-containing attribute set. But for a single texture to span a number of faces, you need to make sure their shared vertices share texture coordinates. You can do this by simply having shared vertices of faces that are spanned by a single texture use the same attribute set, which contains texture coordinates (see Figure 10).

Figure 10. Applying textures that span a number of faces

Rendering the edges. Since the geometric primitives are generally array-based, the polyhedron needs an array of faces -- and more information for a face. Besides an attribute set for the face, the three vertices defining a face are in an array (of size 3). The polyhedron also needs an enumerated type that tells us which edges are to be drawn, and which not:

typedef enum TQ3PolyhedronEdgeMasks {
   kQ3PolyhedronEdgeNone   = 0,
   kQ3PolyhedronEdge01     = 1 << 0,
   kQ3PolyhedronEdge12     = 1 << 1,
   kQ3PolyhedronEdge20     = 1 << 2,
   kQ3PolyhedronEdgeAll    = kQ3PolyhedronEdge01 | 
                             kQ3PolyhedronEdge12 |
} TQ3PolyhedronEdgeMasks;

typedef unsigned long TQ3PolyhedronEdge;
That way, by OR-ing these flags together, you can select which edges of a particular triangle you want drawn. For example, if you're using a wireframe renderer to draw an object like the one in Figure 11 (or you're using a scan-line or z-buffer type renderer that implements the "edges" fill style), you wouldn't have to show the "internal" edges, just the edges that represent the true border of the face. For face 0 in Figure 11, you could tell the system that you only want to display the edges between vertices 0 and 1, and between vertices 2 and 0, and not draw the edge between vertices 1 and 2. You'd do this by specifying (kQ3PolyhedronEdge01 | kQ3PolyhedronEdge20) as the edge mask.

Figure 11. A wireframe and filled polyhedron

All this information is collected in this data structure:

typedef struct TQ3PolyhedronTriangleData {
   unsigned long         vertexIndices[3];
   TQ3PolyhedronEdge     edgeFlag;
   TQ3AttributeSet       triangleAttributeSet;
} TQ3PolyhedronTriangleData;
Of course, an alternative to using a mask to specify the edges would be to have a list of edges for the entire polyhedron. This can be advantageous in that if the renderer draws the edges (or lines, in the case of a wireframe renderer) from an edge list, the renderer can transform the points just once each and draw each edge just once, resulting in much faster rendering. So if you're willing and able to generate this representation of edges, there's a way to do this. The renderer ignores the edge flags in the face data structure if an array of these edges is present:
typedef struct TQ3PolyhedronEdgeData {
   unsigned long      vertexIndices[2];
   unsigned long      triangleIndices[2];
   TQ3AttributeSet    edgeAttributeSet;
} TQ3PolyhedronEdgeData;
As Figure 12 shows, the vertexIndices field specifies indices into the vertex array, one for the vertex at each end of the edge. The triangleIndices field specifies indices into the array of faces. You need to provide the indices to the faces that share this edge because in order to perform proper backface removal, the edge is drawn only if at least one of the faces that it's part of is facing forward.

Figure 12. A schematic for filling out the polyhedron edge data structure

The edgeAttributeSet field allows the application to specify the color and other attributes of the edges independently. If no attribute is set on an edge, the attributes are inherited from the geometry, or if that's not present, then from the view's state. Every edge must have two points, but edges may have one or two faces adjacent to them -- those with just one are on a boundary of the object. To represent this in an array-based representation, you use the identifier kQ3ArrayIndexNULL as a face index for the side of the edge that has no face attached to it. Note the relationship between the face indices and vertex indices in Figure 12. Relative to going from the vertex at index 0 to the vertex at index 1, the 0th face is to the left. If at all possible, fill out your data structures to conform to this schematic. For example, an application may want to traverse the edge list and be assured of knowing exactly which face is on which side of each edge.

The polyhedron data structure. Whew! Finally we're ready for the entire data structure:

typedef struct TQ3PolyhedronData {
   unsigned long                numVertices;
   TQ3Vertex3D                  *vertices;
   unsigned long                numEdges;
   TQ3PolyhedronEdgeData        *edges;
   unsigned long                numTriangles;
   TQ3PolyhedronTriangleData    *triangles;
   TQ3AttributeSet              polyhedronAttributeSet;
} TQ3PolyhedronData;

Creating a polyhedron. In Listing 1, you'll find the code that creates the four-faced polyhedron in Figure 11.

Listing 1. Creating a four-faced polyhedron

TQ3ColorRGB            polyhedronColor;
TQ3PolyhedronData      polyhedronData;
TQ3GeometryObject      polyhedron;
TQ3Vector3D            normal;

static TQ3Vertex3D   vertices[7] = {
   { { -1.0,  1.0,  0.0 }, NULL },
   { { -1.0, -1.0,  0.0 }, NULL },
   { {  0.0,  1.0,  1.0 }, NULL },
   { {  0.0, -1.0,  1.0 }, NULL },
   { {  2.0,  1.0,  1.0 }, NULL },
   { {  2.0, -1.0,  0.0 }, NULL },
   { {  0.0, -1.0,  1.0 }, NULL }
TQ3PolyhedronTriangleData   triangles[4] = {
   {  /* Face 0 */
      { 0, 1, 2 },                              /* vertexIndices */
      kQ3PolyhedronEdge01 | kQ3PolyhedronEdge20,/* edgeFlag */
      NULL                                /* triangleAttributeSet */
   {  /* Face 1 */
      { 1, 3, 2 },
      kQ3PolyhedronEdge01 | kQ3PolyhedronEdge12,
   {  /* Face 2 */
      { 2, 3, 4 },
   {  /* Face 3 */
      { 6, 5, 4 },

/* Set up vertices, edges, and triangular faces. */
polyhedronData.numVertices    = 7;
polyhedronData.vertices       = vertices;   
polyhedronData.numEdges       = 0;
polyhedronData.edges          = NULL;
polyhedronData.numTriangles   = 4;
polyhedronData.triangles      = triangles;

/* Inherit the attribute set from the current state. */
polyhedronData.polyhedronAttributeSet = NULL;
/* Put a normal on the first vertex. */
Q3Vector3D_Set(&normal, -1, 0, 1);
Q3Vector3D_Normalize(&normal, &normal);
vertices[0].attributeSet = Q3AttributeSet_New();
Q3AttributeSet_Add(vertices[0].attributeSet, kQ3AttributeTypeNormal,

/* Same normal on the second. */
vertices[1].attributeSet = 
/* Different normal on the third. */
Q3Vector3D_Set(&normal, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0);
Q3Vector3D_Normalize(&normal, &normal);
vertices[2].attributeSet = Q3AttributeSet_New();
Q3AttributeSet_Add(vertices[2].attributeSet, kQ3AttributeTypeNormal,
/* Same normal on the fourth. */
vertices[3].attributeSet = 

/* Put a color on the third triangle. */
triangles[3].triangleAttributeSet = Q3AttributeSet_New();
Q3ColorRGB_Set(&polyhedronColor, 0, 0, 1);
   kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor, &polyhedronColor);

/* Create the polyhedron object. */
polyhedron = Q3Polyhedron_New(&polyhedronData);

...   /* Dispose of attributes created and referenced. */

Listing 2 shows the code that you'd use to specify the edges of the polyhedron in Figure 11, but this time with the optional edge list. You would add this code to the code in Listing 1, except that if you're using the edge list, you should set the edge flags in the triangle data to some legitimate value (like kQ3EdgeFlagAll), which will be ignored.

Listing 2. Using an edge list to specify the edges of a polyhedron

polyhedronData.numEdges = 8;
polyhedronData.edges = malloc(8 * sizeof(TQ3PolyhedronEdgeData));
polyhedronData.edges[0].vertexIndices[0]     = 0;
polyhedronData.edges[0].vertexIndices[1]     = 1;
polyhedronData.edges[0].triangleIndices[0]   = 0;
polyhedronData.edges[0].triangleIndices[1]   = kQ3ArrayIndexNULL;
polyhedronData.edges[0].edgeAttributeSet     = NULL;
polyhedronData.edges[1].vertexIndices[0]     = 2;
polyhedronData.edges[1].vertexIndices[1]     = 0;
polyhedronData.edges[1].triangleIndices[0]   = 0;
polyhedronData.edges[1].triangleIndices[1]   = kQ3ArrayIndexNULL;
polyhedronData.edges[1].edgeAttributeSet     = NULL;

polyhedronData.edges[2].vertexIndices[0]     = 1;
polyhedronData.edges[2].vertexIndices[1]     = 3;
polyhedronData.edges[2].triangleIndices[0]   = 1;
polyhedronData.edges[2].triangleIndices[1]   = kQ3ArrayIndexNULL;
polyhedronData.edges[2].edgeAttributeSet     = NULL;

polyhedronData.edges[3].vertexIndices[0]     = 3;
polyhedronData.edges[3].vertexIndices[1]     = 2;
polyhedronData.edges[3].triangleIndices[0]   = 1;
polyhedronData.edges[3].triangleIndices[1]   = 2;
polyhedronData.edges[3].edgeAttributeSet     = NULL;

...   /* Specify the rest of the edges. */

Using the polyhedron to your best advantage. Before we leave the polyhedron, let's take a look at some of the characteristics that should make it the most widely used polyhedral primitive.

Geometric editing operations, which change the positions of existing vertices, are easy and convenient. In immediate mode, you simply alter the point's position in the array in the data structure, and rerender. For retained mode, you'll find a number of function calls that allow you to change vertex locations, as well as the usual assortment of Get and Set calls for attributes, faces, face attributes, and so forth.

Topological editing operations change the relationships between vertices, faces, edges, and the entire object. Though you can do these operations, the addition or deletion of vertices, faces, or edges may require reallocation of one or more of the arrays. Because the polyhedron has a public data structure, these operations are possible in both immediate mode and retained mode. So long as such operations aren't the primary ones required for using the polyhedron, it's not a problem; however, in the case where they are, you should use the mesh primitive.

The polyhedron uses memory and disk space in a maximally efficient manner because shared locations and attributes are each stored only once and only those parts that logically require attributes need to have them. This results in generally excellent I/O characteristics (though, as is true of all geometric primitives, the addition of textures requires a great deal of space and can increase I/O time significantly).

Finally, good to very good rendering speed is possible with the polyhedron, owing to the shared nature of the vertices. In short, you can easily use the polyhedron to represent almost any polyhedral object.


The trimesh primitive is similar to the polyhedron in that it has a list of points and a list of triangular faces that contain indices into the list of points. Similarly, it also has an optional edge list. However, beyond these general characteristics, the two primitives differ greatly. Indeed, the trimesh primitive differs in style from every other geometric primitive in QuickDraw 3D, and this significantly affects its applicability.

Three features characterize the design of the trimesh data structures:

  • All the data is in explicit arrays -- the locations of the vertices, vertex attributes, triangle attributes, and edge attributes.

  • Unlike with all other QuickDraw 3D geometries, attributes are not kept in objects of type TQ3AttributeSet; rather, they're kept as (arrays of) explicit data structures. The exception to this is that the trimesh has a standard attribute set for its entire geometry, just like all the other primitives.

  • Again, unlike with all other QuickDraw 3D geometries, you must have the exact same types of attributes on all vertices, faces, or edges, with the exception of custom attributes.
The third of these features, which I'll call the uniform-attributes requirement, makes it necessary for you to put, say, a color on every face if you want to put a color on just one of the faces (and it's similar for vertices and edges). For some types of models, this may not be a problem, in which case the trimesh is a good choice. In addition, preexisting applications that are to be ported to QuickDraw 3D and already use uniform attributes (particularly in immediate mode) may find this the easiest polyhedral primitive to use, as the "translation" is more direct. (This use was one of the motivations for creating the trimesh primitive.) In such cases, the trimesh may be faster and more compact.

Diverging from the design philosophy. The triangular face of a trimesh is simply a three-element array of indices into a location (TQ3Point3D) array, and an edge consists of indices into the location array and triangular face array:

typedef struct TQ3TriMeshTriangleData {
   unsigned long      pointIndices[3];
} TQ3TriMeshTriangleData;
typedef struct TQ3TriMeshEdgeData {
   unsigned long      pointIndices[2];
   unsigned long      triangleIndices[2];
} TQ3TriMeshEdgeData;

Note that this differs from the polyhedron, and most of the rest of the QuickDraw 3D primitives, in that the attributes associated with a part of the geometry are not closely attached to the geometric part. Instead, the normal -- say, for vertex number 17 -- is contained in the 17th element of an array of vertex normals, and it's the same for face and edge attributes. Of course, because you might have more than one type of attribute on a vertex, face, or edge, you might have an array of arrays of attributes. To keep things organized, the trimesh has a data structure that contains an identifier for the type of the attribute and a pointer to the array of values; so you actually will have an array of structures of the following type that contains arrays of data defining the attributes:

typedef struct TQ3TriMeshAttributeData {
   TQ3AttributeType    attributeType;
   void                *data;
   char                *attributeUseArray;
} TQ3TriMeshAttributeData;

For example, if a trimesh has 17 vertices with normals on them, you would create a data structure of this type, set attributeType to kQ3AttributeTypeNormal, allocate a 17-element array of TQ3Vector3D, and then fill it in appropriately. For all but custom attributes, the attributeUseArray pointer must be set to NULL. In the case of custom attributes, you can choose whether or not a particular vertex has that attribute by (in our example) allocating a 17-element array of 0/1 entries and setting to 1 the nth element if the nth vertex has a custom attribute on it (and 0 otherwise). You would use the same approach for vertex, face, and edge attributes.

The trimesh data structure. The data structure for the trimesh consists of the attribute set for the entire geometry, plus pairs of (count, array) fields for points, edges, and faces, and the attributes that may be associated with each:

typedef struct TQ3TriMeshData {
   TQ3AttributeSet           triMeshAttributeSet;
   unsigned long             numTriangles;
   TQ3TriMeshTriangleData    *triangles;
   unsigned long             numTriangleAttributeTypes;
   TQ3TriMeshAttributeData   *triangleAttributeTypes;
   unsigned long             numEdges;
   TQ3TriMeshEdgeData        *edges;
   unsigned long             numEdgeAttributeTypes;
   TQ3TriMeshAttributeData   *edgeAttributeTypes;
   unsigned long             numPoints;
   TQ3Point3D                *points;
   unsigned long             numVertexAttributeTypes;
   TQ3TriMeshAttributeData   *vertexAttributeTypes;
   TQ3BoundingBox            bBox;
} TQ3TriMeshData;

Trimesh characteristics. The uniform-attributes requirement and the use of arrays of explicit data for attributes -- as opposed to the attribute sets used throughout the rest of the system -- may be advantageous for some models and applications and make the trimesh relatively easy to use. The simplicity of this approach, however, makes it very hard to use this primitive to represent arbitrary, nonuniform polyhedra. (You'll learn more about this at the end of this article when I compare the characteristics of the four polyhedral primitives.)

Geometric editing operations on the trimesh are similar to those on the polyhedron in immediate mode: you simply alter the point's position in the array in the data structure and rerender. There are no retained-mode part-editing API calls for the trimesh, as is befitting its design emphasis on immediate mode.

Topological editing in immediate mode is also similar to that on the polyhedron. However, unlike the polyhedron, there are no retained-mode part-editing calls, so editing an object topologically is not possible.

The uniform-attributes requirement for this primitive results in generally good I/O characteristics. However, the redundant-data problem that's inherent in this requirement may cause poor I/O speeds due to the repeated transfer of multiple copies of the same data (for example, the same color on every face). Rendering speed for the trimesh is generally good to very good.


Here I'll expand on the information about the mesh primitive that's in 3D Graphics Programming With QuickDraw 3D, focusing on its use.

Like the polyhedron and trimesh, the mesh is intended for representing polyhedra. However, it was designed for a very specific type of use and has characteristics that make it quite different from the polyhedron and trimesh (and all the other QuickDraw 3D primitives).

The mesh is intended for interactive topological creation and editing, so the architecture and API were designed to allow for iterative construction and topological modification. By iterative construction I mean that you can easily construct a mesh by building it up face-by-face, rather than using an all-at-once method of filling in a data structure and constructing the entire geometric object from that data structure (which you do with all the other geometric primitives). By topological modification I mean that you can easily add and delete vertices, faces, edges, and components. A particularly notable feature of this primitive is that it has no explicit (public) data structure, and so it has no immediate-mode capability, as do all the other geometric primitives.

The mesh is specifically not intended to be used for representation of large-scale polyhedral models that have a lot of vertices and faces. If you use it this way, you get extremely poor I/O behavior, enormous memory usage, and less-than-ideal rendering speed. In particular, individuals or companies creating 3DMF files should immediately cease generating large models in the mesh format and instead use the polyhedron. Modeling, animation, and design applications should also cease using the mesh and begin using the polyhedron for most model creation and storage.

The reason for this is that meshes consist of one or more components, which consist of one or more faces, which consist of one or more contours, which consist of a number of vertices. To enable the powerful topological editing and traversal functions, each of these entities must contain pointers not only to their constituent parts, but also to the entity of which they are parts. So a face must contain a reference to the component of which it is a part, and references to the contours that define the face itself. All of this connectivity information can significantly dwarf the actual geometrical information (the vertex locations), so a nontrivial model can take up an unexpectedly large amount of space in memory. The connectivity information (the pointers between parts) can take up from 50% to 75% of the space. Further, when reading a mesh, QuickDraw 3D must reconstruct all the connectivity information, which is computationally expensive. Writing is relatively slow as well, primarily because of the overhead incurred by the richly linked architecture. In addition, models distributed in the mesh format do a tremendous disservice to subsequent users of these models who might want to extract the data structure for immediate-mode use. This won't be possible because the mesh has no public data structure.

These somewhat negative characteristics don't mean this isn't a useful primitive. For the purposes for which it was designed, it's clearly superior to any other available QuickDraw 3D geometric primitive. For example, if you have an application that uses a 3D sampling peripheral (for instance, a Polhemus device) for digitizing physical objects, the mesh would be ideal. You can easily use the mesh in such situations to construct the digitized model face-by-face, merge or split faces, add or delete vertices, and so forth. Doing this sort of thing with an array-based data structure would be awkward to program and inefficient becuase of the repeated reallocation you'd be forced to do.

To give you an idea of the richness of the API and the powerful nature of this primitive, you can expect to find routines to create and destroy parts of meshes, retrieve the number of parts (and subparts of parts), get and set parts, and iterate over parts (and subparts). And because the iterators are so essential to the editing API, you'll find a large set of convenient macros for common iterative operations.

Mesh characteristics. The mesh API richly supports both geometric and topological editing operations, but only for retained mode because the mesh has no immediate-mode public data structure -- an inconsistency with the design goals of the QuickDraw 3D API. (You should use the polyhedron primitive if immediate mode is desired.)

In general, the rendering speed of meshes is relatively slow. In the case of the polyhedron and trimesh, faster rendering is facilitated by the use of arrays of points, which are presented to renderers in the form of a public data structure. The mesh, having neither an array-based representation nor a public version of the same, must be either traversed for rendering or decomposed into some other primitives that are more amenable to faster rendering. However, traversing usually results in retransformation and reshading of shared vertices (which tends to be extremely slow), while decomposition may involve tremendous use of space as well as complex and slow bookkeeping code.

Faces of meshes (unlike those in the polyhedron and trimesh) may have more than three vertices, may be concave (though not self-intersecting), and may have holes by defining a face with more than one contour (list of vertices).

Using the mesh. Listing 3 creates a mesh that's geometrically equivalent to the polyhedron created in Listing 1.

Listing 3. Creating a mesh

static TQ3Vertex3D   vertices[7] = {
   { { -1.0,  1.0,  0.0 }, NULL },
   { { -1.0, -1.0,  0.0 }, NULL },
   { {  0.0,  1.0,  1.0 }, NULL },
   { {  0.0, -1.0,  1.0 }, NULL },
   { {  2.0,  1.0,  1.0 }, NULL },
   { {  2.0, -1.0,  0.0 }, NULL },
   { {  0.0, -1.0,  1.0 }, NULL },
TQ3MeshVertex        meshVertices[7], tmp[4];
TQ3GeometryObject    mesh;
TQ3MeshFace          face01, face2, face3;
TQ3AttributeSet      faceAttributes;
unsigned long        i;
TQ3ColorRGB          color;
TQ3Vector3D          normal;

/* Add normals to some of the vertices. */
vertices[0].attributeSet = Q3AttributeSet_New();
Q3Vector3D_Set(&normal, -1, 0, 1);
Q3Vector3D_Normalize(&normal, &normal);
Q3AttributeSet_Add(vertices[0].attributeSet, kQ3AttributeTypeNormal,

vertices[1].attributeSet =

vertices[2].attributeSet = Q3AttributeSet_New();
Q3Vector3D_Set(&normal, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0);
Q3Vector3D_Normalize(&normal, &normal);
Q3AttributeSet_Add(vertices[2].attributeSet, kQ3AttributeTypeNormal,

vertices[3].attributeSet = 

/* Create the mesh. */
mesh = Q3Mesh_New();

/* Create the mesh vertices. */
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
   meshVertices[i] = Q3Mesh_VertexNew(mesh, &vertices[i]);

/* Create a quad equal to the first two triangles in the */
/* polyhedron. */
tmp[0] = meshVertices[0];
tmp[1] = meshVertices[1];
tmp[2] = meshVertices[3];
tmp[3] = meshVertices[2];
face01 = Q3Mesh_FaceNew(mesh, 4, tmp, NULL);

/* Create other faces. */
tmp[0] = meshVertices[2];
tmp[1] = meshVertices[3];
tmp[2] = meshVertices[4];
face2 = Q3Mesh_FaceNew(mesh, 3, tmp, NULL);

tmp[0] = meshVertices[6];
tmp[1] = meshVertices[5];
tmp[2] = meshVertices[4];
face3 = Q3Mesh_FaceNew(mesh, 3, tmp, NULL);

/* Add an attribute set to the last face. */
faceAttributes = Q3AttributeSet_New();
Q3ColorRGB_Set(&color, 0, 0, 1);
Q3AttributeSet_Add(faceAttributes, kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor,
Q3Mesh_SetFaceAttributeSet(mesh, face, faceAttributes);


Like the mesh, the trigrid has been around since the first release of QuickDraw 3D and is quite simple, so I won't go into a long discussion here. The basic idea is that you have a list of items of type TQ3Vertex3D, each representing a series of rows of vertices in a topologically rectangular grid, as illustrated in Figure 13.

The numbers of rows and columns are part of the data structure, and there is an optional array of type TQ3AttributeSet for face attributes.

Figure 13. A trigrid

This primitive has a fixed topology, defined by the numbers of rows and columns. Thus, the space in memory and in files is very efficiently used. I/O is relatively fast because of the simplicity and efficiency of the primitive. Rendering can also be fast because of the shared nature of the points and the fixed topology. However, the fixed topology and the fact that shared locations must share attributes restrict the generality and flexibility of this primitive.


It should be clear that the four polyhedral primitives in QuickDraw 3D can be used to represent the same sorts of shapes. It should also be clear that there are some important differences in their generality, flexibility, style of programming, performance, and compliance with the overall design goal of treating retained and immediate mode programming as equivalent. To help you determine the usefulness of these polyhedral primitives, Table 1 compares a number of their important characteristics.

Table 1. Comparison of polyhedral primitives

Characteristic Polyhedron Trimesh Mesh Trigrid
Memory usage Very good Fair to very good Poor Very good
File space usage Very good Fair to very good Very good Very good
Rendering speed Good to very good Good to very good Fair to good Good to very good
Geometric object Very good Impossible (no API calls) Very good Very good
Topological object editing Poor Impossible (no API calls) Very good Impossible (fixed topology)
Geometric data structure editing Very good Very good Impossible (no data structure) Very good
Topological data structure editing Fair Fair Impossible (no data structure) Impossible (fixed topology)
I/O speed Good to very good Fair to very good Fair Good to very good
Flexibility / generality Good Poor Very good Poor (fixed topology)
Suitability for general model representation and distribution Very good Fair Fair Poor
    An upcoming release of QuickDraw 3D will have the capability of generating one geometric primitive from another, but with a different type -- for example, getting a group of triangles that corresponds to a cone, or a mesh that's equivalent to a trimesh, or a polyhedron that's equivalent to a mesh.*
Most of the characteristics in Table 1 were covered in greater detail in the sections that described each primitive. So let's look at the last characteristic -- suitability for general model representation and distribution -- to help you determine when you would use one of these primitives. We'll look at the primitives one by one.

The polyhedron primitive. This polyhedral primitive is the primitive of choice for the vast majority of programming situations and for the creation and distribution of model files if editing of models is desired. Companies and individuals whose businesses involve creation of, conversion to, distribution of, or sale of polyhedral models should produce them in polyhedron format, rather than mesh or trimesh. User-level applications such as modelers and animation tools should generally use the polyhedron as well. Creators of plug-in renderers are required to support certain basic primitives (triangles, points, lines, and markers) and are also very strongly urged to support the polyhedron.

Let's quickly recount some of the pluses for the polyhedron: it can easily represent arbitrarily shaped polyhedral models in a space-efficient fashion, it's amenable to fast rendering, it's highly consistent with the rest of the API, and attributes may be attached in whatever combination is appropriate for the model. The polyhedron has advantages over the mesh because of the mesh's profligate use of space and lack of immediate mode.

The mesh primitive. You should use the mesh primitive for interactive construction and topological editing. The rich set of geometric and topological object editing calls, the ability to make nontriangular faces directly, the allowance of concave faces and faces with holes, and the consistent use of attribute sets make this primitive ideal for those purposes. In addition, the 3DMF representation of a mesh is quite space efficient. However, because the mesh lacks an immediate mode, it requires a large amount of memory and is generally "overkill" in terms of representation for other uses.

The trigrid primitive. Because of its fixed rectangular topology, the trigrid is a good choice for objects that are topologically rectangular -- for example, surfaces of revolution, swept surfaces, and terrain models -- and as an output primitive for applications that want to decompose their own parametric or implicit surfaces. If the situation matches one of these criteria and space is a serious issue, the trigrid is an especially good choice because it's more space efficient than the other primitives discussed here and it's very consistent with the rest of the QuickDraw 3D API.

The trimesh primitive. I promised earlier that I'd discuss the implications that the uniform-attributes requirement has on the suitability of this primitive for representing general polyhedral objects. Real objects have regions that are smoothly curved and regions that are intentionally flat or faceted, and often have sharp edges, corners, and creases. The vertices in the curved regions need normals that approximate the surface normal at that vertex, but vertices at corners or along edges or that are part of a flat region need none. On a polyhedron, mesh, or trigrid, you need only take up storage (for the normal) on those vertices that actually require a normal, but on a trimesh you would be required to place vertex normals on all the vertices, resulting in a tremendous use of space.

This same problem can be seen for face attributes. Real objects often have regions that differ in color, transparency, or surface texture. For example, a soccer ball has black and white faces, and a wine bottle may have a label on the front, a different one on the back, and yet another around the neck. The other polyhedral primitives would, in the case of the soccer ball, simply create two attribute sets (one for each color) and attach a reference to the appropriate attribute set to each face, thus sharing the color information. In a trimesh, you would be required to create an array of colors, thus using quite a lot of space to represent the same data over and over. If you wanted to highlight one face, you couldn't simply attach a highlight switch attribute to that face (set to "on") -- you'd need to attach it to the rest as well (set to "off"). As for the wine bottle, you would want to attach the label textures to the appropriate faces on the bottle, which would require attaching texture parameters to the vertices of the faces to which you attached the label texture. With a trimesh, this extremely useful and powerful approach is simply not possible.

In using the trimesh for large polyhedral models, these problems can result in a rather startling explosion of space, both on disk and in memory. Consider a 10,000-face model whose faces are either red or green. The other polyhedral primitives would use references to just two color attribute sets while the trimesh would use up 10,000 x 12 bytes = 120,000 bytes. Further, if the red faces were to be transparent, we would have to use up yet another 120,000 bytes. Highlighting just one face would require another 40,000 bytes. This same sort of data explosion can occur with vertex attributes as well. Note that these problems do not affect the other polyhedral primitives.

Thus, developers should carefully weigh the potentially negative consequences of the trimesh's characteristics when considering its use in applications. Its lack of object-editing calls renders it almost useless for an object-oriented approach, and this inconsistency with the rest of the QuickDraw 3D library may make its inclusion in a program awkward. In addition, because the trimesh doesn't use attribute sets (which are the foundation of the rest of the geometric primitives) for vertices, faces, and edges, it requires special-case handling in the application.

In spite of these features that limit the suitability of the trimesh for general-purpose polyhedral representation, the uniform-attributes requirement makes it ideal for models in which each vertex or face naturally has the same type of attributes as the other vertices (or faces), but with different values. For example, if your application uses Coons patches, it could subdivide the patch into a trimesh with normals on each vertex. Games often are written with objects such as walls, or even some stylized characters, that typically have just one texture for the entire thing and either no vertex attributes or, more often, normals on every vertex. Multimedia, some demo programs, and other "display-only" applications in which the user typically is unable to modify objects may find the trimesh useful, at least for those primitives that don't suffer from the size problems described earlier.


Well, I have to say that I would have liked to have waxed eloquent a bit longer regarding these "primitive creations" for QuickDraw 3D. But for the most part, you have the long and short of it: some new high-level primitives to save you time and two new polyhedral primitives. Use them well and wisely -- and have fun doing it!


    • "QuickDraw 3D: A New Dimension for Macintosh Graphics" by Pablo Fernicola and Nick Thompson, develop Issue 22.

    • "The Basics of QuickDraw 3D Geometries" by Nick Thompson and Pablo Fernicola, develop Issue 23.

    • "NURB Curves: A Guide for the Uninitiated" by Philip J. Schneider, develop Issue 25.

    • "Adding Custom Data to QuickDraw 3D Objects" by Nick Thompson, Pablo Fernicola, and Kent Davidson, develop Issue 26.

    • 3D Graphics Programming With QuickDraw 3D by Apple Computer, Inc. (Addison-Wesley, 1995).

PHILIP J. SCHNEIDER ( is still the longest-surviving member of the QuickDraw 3D team (and in answer to an oft-posed question, no, not as in "surviving member of the Donner Party"). One current task is to find a name for his second son, which he and his wife expect in January, that won't eventually lead to a question like "Why did you give my older brother a cool name like Dakota, and then name me Bob?" He's given up trying to teach two-year-old Dakota to change his own diapers and has instead begun teaching him Monty Python's "The Lumberjack Song," which isn't nearly as useful a skill, but is one at which he has a better chance of succeeding. Philip's original interest in geometry began early, when an elementary school teacher warned him that he could "put an eye out" with a protractor.*

Thanks to our technical reviewers Rick Evans, Pablo Fernicola, Jim Mildrew, Klaus Strelau, and Nick Thompson.*


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