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[MD1] MacHack Call for Papers

MacHack ’97 Call For Papers

Make a New Year’s Resolution to Write For MacHack, Lose Weight*

Did you know that MacHack papers form the cornerstone of
the premiere Macintosh technical conference? Papers can cover
a wide variety of cool topics. Anything from Adaptive Computing,
the Business of Being a Mac Developer, and Game Programming, to
Internet Development, Debugging PPC code, and figuring out spiffy
NeXT OS hacks.

Start the New Year off right by writing a paper for MacHack.
Not only will you get accolades from your peers, but you will
get free admission to the conference!

Send your idea or abstract to us at before February 15th, 1997.
Visit our web-site at for more
exciting information.

*Note that weight loss is only guaranteed if you eat non-fat
food while writing, drink lots of caffeine, and move your mouse
about the desk in a rapid fashion.

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