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[MD1] Apprentice 6

Apprentice 6 is now available! And it is still the best and definitive
CD-ROM collection of source code, utilities, and information for Mac
programmers. It is invaluable for both the skilled software engineer and
the novice weekend hacker.

Weighing in at well over 600 megabytes, you’ll find hundreds of
high-quality and
up-to-date source code examples. And all of the source code is either new
or updated for this release! We’ve included some of the coolest new code,
designed specifically to demonstrate the latest techniques, and all of the
code is in C, C++, or Pascal, using CodeWarrior, Symantec, and MPW. You’ll
find complete working examples of full-blown applications, games, control
panels, extensions, utilities, and much more.

If you are new to programming, the included “frameworks” will help
tremendously. These are complete program shells that take care of many of
the tedious tasks associated with Mac programming, including menus,
standard dialogs, file handling, and the like. Just plug in your code, and
you’ll have a complete Mac program in no time!

Looking for libraries or routines designed around a specific task?
Apprentice contains dozens of libraries and classes (including a complete
suite of PowerPlant and Think Class Libraries), from graphics and sounds to
menu management and TCP/IP communications. Many of the libraries include
complete source code. If you are just looking for a small routine to do a
specific thing, you’ll find hundreds of useful code “snippets”, small
routines that perform specific programming tasks. Need to display a color
icon or resolve a file name alias? You’ll find an example here.

Programming languages interest you? You’ll find over a dozen complete
programming environments to suit any taste. Basic, Clean, Eiffel, Lisp, ML,
Modula-2, Python, and Tcl-Tk are only a few of the languages included. Most
come complete with documentation and programming examples, and some include
complete source code to the language itself!

If information is what you’re looking for, you’ll find technical specs,
language guidelines, programming hints, as well as a complete collection of
the comp.sys.mac.programmer digest.

And remember that all of the source code is completely new or updated for
this release.

Subscription Service
We’re now offering a special subscription service for our credit card
customers. For only $22.50 including shipping ($27.50 outside the U.S. and
Canada), we’ll rush you Apprentice 6. And as soon as newer releases are
ready (about every six months), we’ll also rush them to you at the same low
price. We’ll automatically bill your credit card when we ship to you. This
price is guaranteed and locked in only for people who respond to this
offer, and you may cancel at any time. So, for however long you want to
continue receiving Apprentice releases, you’ll receive it for this special
low price!

If you’d rather not subscribe, you can still receive Apprentice 6 for the
low price of $25 including shipping ($30 outside the U.S. and Canada).

Prior Releases Available
Buy Apprentice 6, either through a subscription, or by itself, and you can
order any prior release of Apprentice you don’t already have for special
low prices while supplies last! Releases 1 through 3 are only $5 each,
release 4 is only $10, and release 5 is $15. At these prices, you can round
out your source code collection and have it all! Because we can’t possibly
fit all the source code we want on each release, all prior releases have
items which are unavailable on later releases.

I’m truly excited about Apprentice 6, and I promise you won’t be
disappointed. But, if for any reason you don’t feel that release 6 is worth
the price of admission, simply return it for a complete refund. No
questions asked!


Paul Celestin

You may place your order by using this form, or by visiting the following link:


[for best results, print or view this order form using a monospaced font,
such as Courier]

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Dear Celestin Company,

[ ] I am paying by credit card and want to begin my subscription to the
Apprentice CD-ROM with release 6. Please rush it to me and bill my credit
card for only $22.50. I understand that future releases will be sent to me
automatically, about once every six months, and that my credit card will be
billed upon shipping.

[ ] I don’t want to subscribe, but I do want a copy of release 6 for $25.

[ ] Along with my Apprentice 6 order, I’d like to order the specified
number of copies of each of the following prior releases of Apprentice, at
the designated special prices:

[ ] release 1 ($5) [ ] release 2 ($5) [ ] release 3 ($5)
[ ] release 4 ($10) [ ] release 5 ($15)

I understand that the purchase price includes first class shipping in the
U.S. and air mail shipping to Canada. Add $5 for air mail shipping outside
the U.S.

Name __________________________________________________________

Company _______________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________

City, State, Zip ______________________________________________

Country _______________________________________________________

Telephone _____________________________________________________

Email address _________________________________________________

VISA/MC/AMEX/Discover Number __________________________________

Expiration Date _______________________________________________

Name on Card __________________________________________________

Offer Code (Celestin Company Use Only) _UPG702_________________

Note: If you are paying by check, please make it payable to Celestin
Company. We can only accept checks and money orders drawn on U.S. funds
)from a U.S. bank. Please allow up to ten days for delivery inside the U.S.
and Canada. Delivery to other locations may take longer.

You may call to place your order at 800 835 5514 or 360 297 8091. You may
fax your order to 360 297 8092. Or, you may email your order to

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