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[MD1] BeOS DR8.3 Update

To all,

Be, Inc. distributed the BeOS DR8.2 in December. As you know, this version
was bound into the January, 1997 issue of MacTech Magazine. The BeOS
software expires on April 1. Good news though: Be has released an update
(see below) that removes the date limitation.

If you are still interested in seeing the BeOS, there are still a few
copies of this back issue available (due to a rare situation that we were
able to get extra copies). For more information, see


Neil Ticktin
MacTech Magazine



We at Be hope that the beginning of spring finds you well. It has been a
few months since we last sent out a developer update, so we’ve got lots of

By the way, as a Be developer, you are in good company. There are now
4,706 registered Be developers from all over the world. There are now some
308 applications of various types that have been uploaded to the BeWare
site for use and review. We expect this to accelerate rapidly during the
next few months.

PowerMac Update
On March 13, 1997, Be released an update for the PowerMac version of the
BeOS — BeOS Version DR8.3 for PowerMac. This is an important upgrade for
all developers using the BeOS on PowerMacintosh compatible hardware.

All developers who are using the BeOS on PowerMacintosh compatible hardware
need to upgrade to version DR8.3. The previous version, DR8.2, will not
work after April 1,1997 (see below for details.)

If you are using the BeOS on BeBox hardware you do NOT need to install
DR8.3. DR8.3 provides only PowerMacintosh hardware-specific enhancements,
and contains no new functionality that BeBox owners do not already have.
BeBox owners should not install DR8.3, the update will overwrite BeBox
specific drivers and render the system unbootable.

This update to the BeOS for PowerMac is designed to provide enhancements
and solve problems in three major areas;

– Removal of the April 1 Limitation
We’ve settled on a font technology and now have a full license
which allows us to remove time limitations on the 8.2 release.
(This limitation does NOT apply to BeBox owners.)

– Multiprocessor Support
This update includes the full multiprocessor kernel to support
Power Computing and Daystar multiprocessor designs. BeBox owners
already have this support built-in.

– Serial and PPP Support
The serial port drivers and Internet PPP support updates are built
into this update (they were released as a separate update about
a month ago.)

The DR8.3 update is contained in two files. The first is a MacOS file
containing replacements for the application “BeOS Launcher” and the system
file “OS Chooser”. The second file is a BeOS file containing updates to a
number of files within the BeOS.

To get started with updating your BeOS for PowerMac system, go to the Be
Web site at:

There you’ll find full instructions and links to the downloadable files.

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