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[MD1] MacZoop 1.6

MacZoop 1.6 is now available. You can download it completely free from:


What is MacZoop?

MacZoop is a C++ application framework for writing Macintosh
applications. Unlike frameworks such as TCL, Powerplant and MacApp, it’s
very small, and lacks some features of those frameworks. However, it is
very usable and ideal for beginners and smaller projects. If you liked
Sprocket, MacZoop is better 😉


Full implementation of Macintosh Application Programming model.
Supports Floating Windows.
Command-chain architecture.
Full Dialog support, including moveable modals, radio groups, user
items, list boxes, text fields, icon lists, etc.
Easy UNDO support.
Printing automatically supported.
File classes incorporate automatic safe-save.
AppleEvents generically supported. (Scripting on its way!)
Classes for PICT and TEXT windows, generic list windows and GWorlds.
Drag and Drop.


Completely free, no royalties.
PPC and 68K.
Very easy to learn and use.
Provided as full source code, not a library.
Accessible coding style throughout.
Provides lots of example code even if you don’t use the framework.
Tech support via eMail.


CodeWarrior (CW10+ recommended) or Symantec C++ development environment;
Ten minutes of your time to download the code/demos and get going.

What’s in it for me, the author?

Fame, Fortune… well, not really. But a little recognition maybe. In
other words, this really is an offer as good as it seems!

Graham Cox, MacZoop author.

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