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[MD1] J.Stream First to Get 100% Pure Java Certification

For Immediate Release

J.Stream First In Line for 100% Pure Java Certification

Vancouver, WA-April 24, 1997-J.Stream, the hot, new subsidiary of DataPak
Software Inc., received 100% Pure Java certification Tuesday, April 22.
This certification, which ensures the right to display the JavaSoft 100%
Pure Java logo, assures potential users that J.Stream’s WiredWrite
publishing application, together with their J.Press Document (JPD) formats,
maximizes cross-platform compatibility.

Whether embedded in a web page, published on a CD-ROM or sent as e-mail
attachments, JPDs are instantly cross-platform. They are also the first
pure Java document format capable of converting a 10.2 meg. FrameMaker file
to a 311K JPD.

J.Press Documents are based on a proprietary three part document format
that includes a unique 75K Java viewer applet, document word dictionary and
data stream. The dictionary and Java based style runs utilize cutting edge
technology that results in documents as little as 1/10th the size of their
HTML or PDF counterparts.

With WiredWrite, the creation or conversion of large documents (on-line
documentation, manuals, books, reports, etc.) created is seamless. Unlike
the tedious, frustrating job of hand-mapping styles to appropriate tags or
allowing the translator to make arbitrary decisions regarding which HTML
mark-up tags to apply, styles are simply read as they appear in the
original document.

Up ’til now, users interested in publishing their documents on the Web or
Intranet had limited choices For users, the real benefit is ease of use;
they can be up an running in 15 minutes.

The Java language is recognized for its unprecedented security, platform
independence, and easy class loading over the network. Because of this,
their 100% Pure Java Certification requires developers to code their
software entirely in the Java language; utilize the Java Core API, which
provides the basic language, utility, I/O, network, GUI and applet
services; and use pure libraries. For more information about WiredWrite,
J.Press documents or J.Stream, contact J.Stream’s Marketing Dept. via
Internet at jstream@ or call us at 360/891-0649.

Mark Nulph – Director of Marketing
360-891-0649 (tel)
360-891-0743 (fax)

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