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[MD1] TidBITS Turns Eight

A hearty happy birthday to our friends over at TidBITS…

– MacDev-1


From: “Adam C. Engst” (
Subject: TidBITS Turns Eight

Hey folks,

In this day and age of “serving you since February!” I thought I’d mention
quickly that as of April 16th, TidBITS has been published weekly for eight
years on the Internet. So far we’ve heard of only one other regularly
published, edited publication that has been published solely online for
longer (The Irish Emigrant, which started in 1987

During these 8 years and 425 issues of reporting on topics of interest to
the Macintosh Internet community, TidBITS has amassed over 68,000 readers
in some 120 countries. Below are some subscription numbers for selected
top-level domains and ISPs from our primary mailing list that you might
find interesting.

The most 25 popular domains are currently:

US Commercial (.com) 18439
Network (.net) 9584
US Educational (.edu) 5635
Canada (.ca) 1786
Japan (.jp) 1567
Australia (.au) 1546
United Kingdom (.uk) 1287
Non-Profit Organization (.org) 1127
Germany (.de) 842
Sweden (.se) 760
United States (.us) 753
Netherlands (.nl) 504
US Government (.gov) 420
France (.fr) 392
Italy (.it) 341
Switzerland (.ch) 337
Belgium (.be) 292
New Zealand (.nz) 236
Denmark (.dk) 229
Norway (.no) 207
US Military (.mil) 179
Spain (.es) 167
Singapore (.sg) 142
Finland (.fi) 104
Austria (.at) 100

The ten most popular ISPs are currently:

America Online ( 2793
Earthlink ( 1297
CompuServe ( 630
Netcom ( 509
AT&T WorldNet ( 475
Mindspring ( 404
Northwest Nexus ( 263
Internet Access Company ( 237
Erol’s Unlimited Internet ( 226
Hotmail Corporation ( 204

If, for some reason, you haven’t yet seen TidBITS, check out our Web site
(which also carries translations of TidBITS in Dutch, French, German,
Japanese, and Spanish) at ( or subscribe to our
mailing list if you wish to receive issues in email each week.

To subscribe, send email to (

cheers … -Adam

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