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[NPL] MacCVSClient 1.4

From: “Jrg Bullmann” (

This is to announce the public release of

MacCVSClient 1.4

MacCVSClient 1.4 is a free CVS client running on MacOS 7.1 and later. You
need the Thread Manager. MacCVSClient is compatible with both MacTCP (yes,
it is fixed now) and OpenTransport. It has got MacOS look and feel and some
useful features to view logs, diffs, and resolve conflicts.

New in version 1.4 is the RBL format. It allows for storage of MacOS
resource fork files as text files on CVS servers. These RBL text files are
diffable and mergeable. Storage of files in AppleSingle format on CVS
servers is supported as well now.

Learn more about MacCVSClient 1.4 here: (MacCVSClient home page)

Jrg Bullmann

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