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[MD1] AbbottChat Internet Chat Source Code


Abbott offers SOURCE CODE for Internet chat

Pleasantville, May 12, 1999 — For software developers looking to
speed development of Internet instant messaging and chat
applications, Abbott Systems today announced the availability of full
source code for its AbbottChat program.

AbbottChat is an Internet messaging program designed for private
business and personal chat. It runs on Mac and Windows machines and
source code is available for both platforms.

Abbott stressed that this is not the usual “toolbox” communication
code, but complete code of full ‘field tested’ applications. It is
ideal as a working example, or as an application that can be modified
to rapidly develop new products.

Full information: For source
code pricing email (

Abbott Systems is the developer of AbbottChat.

Abbott Systems Inc.
Phone 1-800-552-9157, or 914-747-4201
Fax 914-747-9115

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