Nov 23, 1999, Midlothian, Virginia
Virginia Systems announces upgrades to it’s Sonar Image, Sonar
Professional and WebSonar document management products!
Philip Van Cleave
Virginia Systems, Inc.
(804) 739-3200/FAX: (804) 739-8376
New Features added in WebSonar Version 3!
Central Index Option:
A single master index can be created for thousands of folders on multiple
volumes, providing phenomenal search speeds. It also allows write-protected
media like CD’s to be indexed by placing the master index on the server’s
hard drive.
Oracle Support:
Text files stored in large Oracle databases can now be indexed and searched.
Name Translation:
Files can be dynamically renamed during indexing. This is useful for Oracle
files, where the file names are numeric. With name translation, these files
can be assigned more meaninful names transparently.
Additional Scripting Support:
Indexing and searching can now be scripted using Visual Basic for Windows
or AppleScript for the Macintosh.
File Type Filtering:
Certain file types, such as executables, that make no sense to index can
now be left unindexed, but still searchable by the file’s name, date, user
defined key-words and sticky notes.
New Formatting Options:
All database fields can now be viewed and searched and can also display
embeded HTML.
To view these new features in action point your browser to
Browser Based Document Management
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