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[NPL] NetTen Mail Server with Spam Control


Contact: Anita Holmgren
Phone: 805-963-6983
FAX: 805-962-8202


Santa Barbara, CA, January 4, 2000. Tenon Intersystems is shipping a new
version if its industrial-strength mail server for Power Macintosh. Tenon’s
mail server, called NetTen, is based on Post.Office, a powerful email
server, developed by, Inc. is the uncontested
leader in email server software, having sold licenses for more than
fifty-seven million email mailboxes worldwide. With NetTen, Macintosh users
can enjoy’s powerful mail server software.

Post.Office was designed with strong emphasis on security, scalability, and
ease-of-use, setting the standard for email server solutions. Post.Office
is in use at tens of thousands of organizations worldwide, supporting
millions of users. By leveraging their existing “UNIX virtual machine”
technology, Tenon, under a licensing agreement with, has
brought Post.Office to Mac OS in the form of a Macintosh application.

NetTen 1.4 is the most robust, scalable, easy-to-administer,
high-performance, multidomain mail server solution for Mac OS. NetTen
includes Domain Name Service (DNS) and Post.Office, running in Tenon’s
sophisticated execution environment and taking advantage of Tenon’s native
fast file system. Running a mail server on Power Macs in Tenon’s unique
environment means that administrators no longer have to be concerned with
Macintosh file system limitations. NetTen can support an unlimited number
of multihomed mail accounts, and services over 10,000 messages per minute.
In addition, NetTen provides robust, anti-SPAM features and web-based
administration in a single package that is easy to install, configure and

NetTen supports POP3 and IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol), without
having to make any changes on the server itself. This enables users to read
their email from different client machines at different times, giving
globe-trotting, computer-hopping users more flexibility in reading and
managing their mail. NetTen has the ability to pre-screen incoming
messages, discarding unwanted mail according to a sophisticated set of
filtering rules, including support for MAPS (the Mail Abuse Prevention
System) RBL (Realtime Blackhole List). A NetTen system can be easily
configured to be MAPS RBL compliant.

Designed to ease the administrative burden of maintaining an Internet mail
server, NetTen includes “fill-in-the-blank” web-based forms for remote
management. By using fill-in-the-blank email or web-forms for managing user
accounts and configuring the system, the administrator has access to the
mail server from anywhere on the Internet. Users can also benefit from the
ease of web forms management to change certain aspects of their email
account, such as vacation messages and directory information, giving more
control to the user and reducing the work of the administrator.

NetTen 1.4 can be purchased immediately and is available directly from
Tenon. NetTen is downloadable from Tenon’s Web site,, with a built-in 14 day license. The
product is priced at $495 for an unlimited number of mail accounts.

Founded in 1989, Tenon Intersystems is a leader in high-performance
networking. Tenon technology, combined with the power of Apple’s G3 and
G4-based machines, is providing the framework for world-class networking on
the Macintosh. Last year, WebTen was selected as the Macworld Editor’s
Choice for Best Server Software, outpacing WebSTAR and Apple’s ASIP. Tenon
Intersystems can be reached in the U.S. at 805-963-6983, by the internet at, or via the web at

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