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MacHack CD ROM

MacHack: The Annual Conference for Leading Edge Developers
c/o Expotech
1264 Bedford Road
Grosse Point Park, MI 48230

Contact: Carol Lynn
Tel: (313) 882-1824


Dearborn, MI — July 2, 2000 — MacHack, The Annual Conference For
Leading Edge Developers, has long been the place where some of the
best and brightest developers in the Macintosh community assemble
each year to compete and show off their fantastic hacks in the
MacHax(TM) Best Hack Contest. Macintosh enthusiasts can enjoy much of
the thrill of the Hack Show without enduring the marathon from
midnight to 6AM like this year’s attendees did. It takes a while for
authors to show off ninety hacks!

This year’s CD-ROM contains 85 hacks from the 2000 conference, and
offers great value for Macintosh hobbyists and coders alike. Most of
the hacks come with source code.

The CD also contains this year’s papers and many of the presentations.

The CD is $19.95 + shipping at
( Shipping is $5 in the
US and $15 for international purchasers. All profits from CD-ROM
sales go to help fund MacHack 2001.

Also available for $19.95 + shipping is the 1999 historical archive
CD, an enormous collection of hacks, papers, and presentations
assembled from the first 13 years of MacHack. “This CD brings
together the biggest collection of MacHack history ever,” said Scott
Boyd of The MacHax Group, co-host of the annual contest. “MindVision
has helped MacHack pack an unbelievable amount of the best of the
conference onto a single CD.” The result of this herculean
compression effort is 625MB of MacHack history made as easy to access
as possible. Anyone interested in the hacks and papers for
entertainment, study or archival purposes should own this
one-of-a-kind CD-ROM.

More information on MacHack, The Annual Conference for Leading Edge
Developers, is available at the conference web site at

MindVision, MacHack, and The MacHax Group assume no responsibility
whatsoever for the contents of the CD-ROM, nor what happens to any
machine on which any hacks are installed. Hacks are NOT warranted in
any way, and crashes, data loss, and other unpleasant side effects
may very well result from their use. Some individual authors may
support their hacks, though they are under absolutely no obligation
to do so. The hacks are raw code written for the Hack Show and
therefore cannot be guaranteed to function for any particular purpose
on any particular machine. The purchaser assumes all responsibility
for any havoc, data loss or civil unrest that may occur as a result
of installing and/or using the hacks.

MacHack 2001 will take place June of 2001, in Dearborn, Michigan. Exact
dates and online registration will be available via the conference website

MacHack is a trademark of Expotech, Inc. MacHax is a trademark of The
MacHax Group. MacHack is not affiliated with The MacHax Group,
although we’ve all been enjoying the Hack Contest together each year
for fourteen years! All other trademarks are the properties of their
respective holders.

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