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PixMachineMac 1.0

Miami Beach, Florida, (October 24, 2000) — TechSono Engineering
Incorporated, creator of the popular Windows-based application
PixMachine2000, announces entry in the MacOS environment with the release
of PixMachineMac 1.0. PixMachineMac, a complete from-the-ground-up rewrite
of our Windows program, excels at downloading, assembling, and decoding,
and displaying files downloaded from usenet newsgroups.

PixMachineMac Overview
MacOS users have no doubt encountered articles in usenet newsgroups that
have been segmented and UUEncoded using the popular Windows-only program,
MasterSplitter. Well, now MacOS users can finally assemble and decode
MasterSplitter files on their MacOS computers.

TechSono Engineering, Inc., has released PixMachineMac which combines a
powerful newsreader and a decent slide show player into a document-based
environment. PixMachineMac can detect MasterSplitter files and, along with
the MasterSplitter Widget, can quickly and easily assemble and decode
MasterSplitter files posted to usenet newsgroups.

PixMachineMac can be used freely and no functionality is disabled. Until
the program is registered it will display a nag screen after downloading or
displaying 20 images. PixMachineMac is US49.

PixMachineMac is availabe at out support site:

PixMachineMac Details
PixMachineMac allows you to automatically download and decode hundreds and
hundreds of images and other files from usenet newsgroups. Since it runs
automatically, you can go off and do other things while PixMachineMac does
its thing. PixMachineMac also includes a slide show player that will let
you playback all those movies and images.

Features of PixMachineMac:
Includes PixNews and PixPlayer
Includes MasterSplitter Widget
Includes Decoder Widget
Includes extensive MacOS Help Center Book
Extensive error and event logging for better tech support
Alerts you when new versions are available

Features of PixNews Documents:
Multiple PixNews Documents
Download from multiple news servers
Cycle through newsgroups
Cycle through news servers
Detects MasterSplitter files
Assembles and decodes multi-part files automatically even if the individual
arrive out of order or days apart
Decodes multi-part MIME files when you install YA-Decoder 3.0.2
tinyBrain technology provides real-time commentary, analysis, and guidance
Displays lists of articles being scanned
Displays total Megabytes processed
Displays images as they are downloaded
Turn the image display on or off
Delete displayed image with handy Delete button
Turn newsgroups on or off at will
Arrange newsgroups in any order
Newsgroup Thing provides all the tools you need to manage newsgroups
Search for newsgroups
Lots of feedback

Features of PixPlayer Documents:
Multiple players
Save and Load Players
QuickAccess buttons for rapid loading of favorite folders
Auto Load option updates image list at user-defined intervals
Drag and Drop folders on to QuickAccess buttons to define QA button
Drag and Drop images on QuickAccess buttons to move image
Bulk Move files
Bulk Delete files
Full Screen Playback with or without menu bar
Scale small images up
Scale large images down
Random playback options

TechSono Engineering, Inc. concentrates on single-user productivity software
and has been delivering fine products and top-notch technical support since

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