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My Secret 1.0



My Secret is a text encryption and notepad that uses strong 448 bit
Blowfish or 256 bit Rijndael encryption to secure text messages and private
notes. The application is $10 shareware.

BERLIN, GERMANY – March 19th, 2001 – Shareware author Erich H Rast has
released the first public version of his text encryption tool My Secret.
The Macintosh application acts like a simple multi-document notepad and
encrypts and decrypts private notes and messages using symmetric block
ciphers like 448 bit Blowfish and 256 bit Rijndael, the latter being the
new Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). According to the author, the
utility has been designed with both high security and easy usability in
mind. It’s USD $10 shareware.

Some of My Secret’s features are:

– full drag & drop support
– support for custom, external encryption plugins written in C/C++
– built-in compression for smaller size and higher security
– secure hashing: chaining of SHA1 and MD5
– built-in Blowfish encryption and additional 3 encryption plugins
– secure file deletion & overwriting
– balloon help and easy user-interface
– automatic Base64 encoding for easy transfer of encrypted messages
– can store multiple encrypted parts in one plaintext message and
decrypt them all at once on the fly

System requirements: Mac OS 7.6 or higher, 2 MB RAM

Application binaries can be downloaded at

MacOS 7.5-9.x, English/International Version:
MacOS X/Carbon, English/International Version:

Versions localized into German are available as well:

MacOS 7.5-9.x, German localized Version:
MacOS X/Carbon, German localized Version:

Additional information can be found at My Secret’s homepage at

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