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Resorcerer 2.4: First Full Featured Mac OS X Resource/Data Editor



Top-of-the-line data and resource file editing tool now runs under Mac OS
X, with new support for data-fork-based resource files; large Mac OS X
icons; hex, binary, and unicode displays of very large data files;
object-model scriptability; new integrated developer utility tools; an
interface overhaul; and more.

Boulder, Colo. — May 17, 2001 — Mathemaesthetics, Inc. announced today
the arrival of Resorcerer 2.4, the latest version of its award-winning
resource and data file editing utility for Mac OS 8, 9, and now Mac OS X
developers. Resorcerer 2.4 will ship both Classic (System 8 and 9) and
Carbonized (for Mac OS X) versions. This is the company’s first major
upgrade of Resorcerer since version 2.2 was released near the end of the
last millennium.

“Apple’s Mac OS X is an impressive step forward in the evolution of
Macintosh, and Mac developers have been demanding and eagerly awaiting a
native Mac OS X resource and data file editing tool,” said Doug McKenna,
developer of Resorcerer and president of Mathemaesthetics, Inc. “Apple has
wisely maintained and enhanced support for resources, whether classic
resource-fork-based, or the newer data-fork-based format also available on
Mac OS X. Resorcerer 2.4’s ability to edit data structures kept in either
format, and to open and edit other types of data files as well, not only
allows Mac developers to continue to rely on the benefits of collections of
resources, but also makes it far easier to port, maintain, and enhance
older Mac software on the new Unix-based world of Mac OS X.”

Resorcerer’s interactive data editors for dozens of standardized binary
data structures that all Mac applications have relied upon have been
modified or completely rewritten to conform to Appearance guidelines on Mac
OS 9, and Apple’s state-of-the-art Aqua interface on Mac OS X. New editing
tools have been added to Resorcerer’s stable as well.

Mac OS X software relies heavily on a new icon suite format. Resorcerer’s
new ‘icns’ and pixel editor works equally well when opening “.icns” data
files. It supports 128 x 128 32-bit deep icons, as well as the 23 other
other basic types (depths and sizes and masks), as well as six different
variant suites, all easily assemblable in one simple interface.
Photo-realistic images developed in other applications can be quickly
copied into any of the 144 different icon types or icon variant types that
the editor supports. Individual pixel editing at any magnification is also

Resorcerer 2.4 can map data fork files containing binary data into
“resources” of a given data type, based on the file name suffix. This makes
opening and editing “.icns” files just as easy as editing an ‘icns’
resource, and allows Resorcerer’s dozens of editors to be used on binary
data kept in flat Unix-based files.

The developer tool now features a brand new industrial strength Hex Editor
with integrated searching that can handle even an entire CD’s worth of
data, using significantly less memory than previous versions consumed. For
anyone who needs to view or change any aspect of a large data file, down to
the individual bits, the new editor displays any file’s or individual
resource’s data in hex, binary, ASCII, Unicode, or even raw PowerPC
assembly language with individually tailored instruction explanations and

For over a decade Resorcerer has supported its own scripting language for
building resource files. With the release of Resorcerer 2.4, however, the
utility is now the first to support object-model AppleScript execution for
general binary file data. The resource editor’s high-performance scripting
engine treats files, forks, resources, bytes, and in fact every individual
bit in a file as a first-class, scriptable object. Not only is this useful
for building resource files, it is now possible to patch any file using a
easily readable and maintainable AppleScript commands.

AppleScript developers who have relied on Macsbug under earlier systems to
help them disassemble and understand data descriptors and AppleEvents will
be pleased with Resorcerer’s console tool, which will automatically
disassemble any Apple Event descriptor sent to it (via an AppleEvent) from
another application. The distribution CD for Resorcerer 2.4 includes a
small amount of C source code to add to one’s application to accomplish
this form of debugging.

Resorcerer now has drag/drop support for transferring resources between
files. File windows can also receive a drag from any other application,
automatically converting the data contents of the drag into resource(s) for
viewing with the appropriate editor, debugging, or other analysis.

Mac developers have always enjoyed Resorcerer’s integrated Value Converter
utility. With the advent of Resorcerer 2.4, this handy tool has jumped from
32 bits to 64 bits. It now displays and simultaneously edits any 64-bit
quantity in over 32 different forms, including signed and unsigned hex,
decimal, and octal integers, short and long dates, four- and
eight-character types, text (ASCII and Unicode), fixed-point,
floating-point, PowerPC instruction (with English translation), pure
binary, and even as four-field Internet IP addresses.

A new pixel magnification tool lets developers view the screen at any
magnification from .25 to 64 times. It makes pixel measurement a snap,
which is handy to developers who are laying out interfaces with an eye
towards precise positioning.

Resorcerer now begins its support of Unicode. Not only does the general
purpose Hex Editor display data in Unicode, but there is a new tool that
displays every Unicode character (code point) in any current font. The
entire 65 thousand possibilities are grouped and labelled according to the
Unicode standard, and any glyph value can be searched for or instantly
scrolled to, selected and copied. Individual groups can be disclosed or
hidden for easy navigation.

In addition, there is now a preliminary resource editor for Unicode text
(‘utxt’) data. The editor takes advantage of Apple’s new MLTE
(Multi-Lingual Text Engine) technology for simple Unicode text editing.

Several other individual resource editors have been completely rewritten,
and important enhancements have been made to Resorcerer’s Dialog and Menu
editors to better support integrated editing of Appearance Manager
resources. For instance, the Dialog Editor now simultaneously edits both
the new ‘dftb’ and the old ‘ictb’ resources to keep them in sync when
developing or maintaining applications that need to run on older Mac
systems as well as the newer ones.

Finally, Resorcerer has had an interface overhaul. Opening and saving files
now uses Navigation Services. Support for drag-and-dropping of list cells
has been significantly increased. The application now supports the Platinum
look and feel under Systems 8 and 9, and the state-of-the-art Aqua
interface under Mac OS X. In what may be a first, Resorcerer has
implemented OS X style dynamically growing windows under System 9. And
Resorcerer’s own high-performance “sweet” scrolling manager has been used
throughout the application to give the interface a state-of-the-art feeling
of user control and solidity.

“Resorcerer has always been a work in progress,” says McKenna, whose
company has been developing and supporting the application for over a dozen
years. “We’ve been working for nearly two years on this new version, and
we’re looking forward to bringing even more enhancements over the coming
year to this important tool as more and more Mac developers dive in to Mac
OS X development.”

Requirements and Caveats

Resorcerer 2.4 is a PowerPC native application that runs under Systems 8
and 9 and Mac OS X’s Classic environment. The application requires the
Appearance Manager.

The Carbonized version launches directly under and works best on Mac OS X.
The Carbon version is missing several features provided by the Classic
version, in particular older style color cursor, pattern, and icon editing.
The company is expecting to have these working in a near-future update.
Also, due to Carbon limitations, screen copying under System 9 is not

The Classic version supports all these capabilities.


Resorcerer 2.4 has a suggested retail price of US $256, with quantity,
reseller, educational, and student discounts available from
Mathemaesthetics. New copies can be ordered directly from, or from other resellers, including DevDepot
( Distribution is by CD-ROM.


Upgrades from version 2.2 or all earlier versions can be ordered directly
from Mathemaesthetics’ website (Visa or Mastercard), by faxed Purchase
Order, or by mail/email/phone. Upgrade prices for purchasers of earlier
versions are:

(0) free to anyone who purchased after Jan. 1st, 2001 (four months ago);
(1) US $64 for anyone who purchased after Sept. 1st, 2000 (8 months ago);
(2) US $128 for all purchasers who bought prior to Sept. 1st, 2000.

Upgrades require a registration number. Shipping/handling not included.

About Mathemaesthetics, Inc.

Mathemaesthetics, Inc. is a leading tool provider for Apple Macintosh and
Mac OS developers and localizers. Founded in 1988, the company is a
privately-held corporation based in Boulder, CO. Resorcerer, the company’s
flagship product, has received numerous kudos from press and users,
including a MacUser Eddy Award for Best Mac Development Tool.

For more information, visit ( or send
email to (



Phone: 1-303-440-0707
Fax: 1-303-440-0504 (purchase orders only, please)

Mathemaesthetics, Inc.
P.O. Box 298
Boulder, CO 80306-0298 USA

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