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Apple Surveys Developer Support of Mac OS X

More than 50% of Mac OS platform developers who attended the WWDC 2001
conference plan to release a Mac OS X product within the next six months,
according to a survey conducted by Apple.

Survey results showed that 29% plan to release Mac OS X software within one
to three months and 26% intend to release a product within four to six
months. Overall, 75% of the developers surveyed during Apple’s recent
Worldwide Developers Conference plan to release Mac OS X-compatible
software within the next year.

The survey found that a large percentage of the professional Mac developers
at WWDC 2001 are programming in Java and Objective C. Cocoa, a set of
object-oriented frameworks that support rapid development and high
productivity, supports the use of either language.

One-third of the developers surveyed are using Apple’s Project Builder IDE
as their primary development tool for Mac OS development. Apple includes
the Project Builder IDE with each copy of Mac OS X. The tools are also
available for free download to developers from the Apple Developer
Connection website.

Other findings:
Three out of four Mac OS platform developers surveyed are currently
writing applications that are able to take advantage of Mac OS X native

35% of professional developers who intend to create new products or new
versions of existing Mac OS products say they plan on using Cocoa

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