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HTML and Web Plug-ins for REALbasic

HTMLrendering 2.0
URLAccess 1.0
cIconButtons 2.0

are released. Please take a note on my web page where additional
information is available. visit (

HTMLrenderer is a plugin capable to render HTML files you can provide
through navigation services, and through an internal URL-parser. In the
latter case you need a suitable “device” to get access to URL’s. The
renderer will present the URL required when clicking a link in the rendered
file. There are 3 known issues affecting the cosmetics of the renderer. 2
are related to REALbasic: drawing a focus and the flickering cursor when the
cursor hovers over a link. The other issue is that in carbon the grafport
is not always correctly drawn. This may very well be related to Apple,
and/but is under investigation.

URLAccess is a plugin capable to upload and download files from anywhere.
It requires the URLAccess Manager. Only the low-level functions are
implemented in this plugin, which provides the REALbasic programmer all the
tools to build a professional user interface. You can down- and upload
asynchronously (threaded) or synchronously. An example of both ways is
presented in the WebBrowser sample project that comes with HTMLrendering

cIconButtons is a plugin capable to connect URL strings (through ResEdit)
with action events. It interacts with the HTMLrenderer to provide
functionality with respect to the history of visited links, It has goHome,
goBack and goForward action events that you can link with the history list
of visited links.

The plugins are final releases and will be subject to scrutiny at regular
time intervals.

Alfred N. Van Hoek, Ph.D. (

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