Software Updates: CodeWarrior for Mac OS, Professional Edition, Release 7.1
The CodeWarrior for Mac OS, Professional Edition, 7.1 update is a
maintenance release of the CodeWarrior IDE, MetroNub Plugin, Remote
Debugger, Compilers, MSL, and project stationery. This update should only
be applied to a CodeWarrior Pro 7.0 release.
Specifically, the release includes udpates to:
CW Mac PPC 2.4.6
CW Win x86 2.4.6
Mac OS Rez
MetroNub Utilities
MWDebug Macros
MetroNub 1.4.1
MetroNub Remote
MetroNub Tech
BuildLibraries Release
MSL C Release
MSL C++ Release
Java Linker
IDE 4.2.6 Mac
IDE 4.2.6
for the download.