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NetMinder Ethernet 5.0

Subject: Announcing NetMinder Ethernet 5.0

Thank you for your interest in Neon Software’s NetMinder Ethernet.

Neon Software has released a new version of NetMinder Ethernet since your
trial of the software — version 5.0.

NetMinder Ethernet 5.0 adds native OS X support plus a host of new
filtering, decoding, and alert features for both Mac OS X and Classic Mac
OS versions:

* Supports Mac OS X natively.
* Customizable security alerts triggered by NetMinder Ethernet’s
Packet Inference rules-based system. Alerts
include paging, email and SNMP traps.
* Highly tuned capture performance on OS X using standard
Berkeley Packet Filters.
* Wireless protocol analysis and monitoring via Apple AirPort
802.11b wireless cards.
* New Packet Inference rules.
* New protocol decodes including ASIP (AFP/IP), Spanning Tree
and IP Service Location.
* Read and write tcpdump standard file formats.
* Many new user-interface changes.

For a more detailed description of these features, see our NetMinder
Ethernet upgrade page:

Owners of NetMinder Ethernet can easily upgrade their copy from our secure
web site. Upgrades are $199:

Competitive upgrades are also available. Contact for
competitive upgrade information and pricing.

If you’ve purchased a copy of NetMinder Ethernet in the last 90 days,
please contact us to obtain your FREE upgrade!

As always, thank you for your support and purchases of our products.

Neon Software, Inc.

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