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Waves in Motion – Revealed: Speeding up FileMaker Portals

[ANN] Waves in Motion Announces Strategy Paper – Speed up your Portals

The best kept secret at Waves in Motion – Revealed!

Phoenix, AZ – June 16, 2002

This strategy is guaranteed to improve the speed and efficiency of your
solution and heighten the end user experience. Your users will notice an
increase in performance and enjoy using it, and in the end, save you time
and money.

As the number of records in your business solution grows, you may reach a
point where it keeps getting slower and slower. Why? Simple! The more data
that is shown through a portal, the slower it gets. Portals can be very
slow, especially if you are showing unstored information that needs to
calculated on every portal row.

Although there are several solutions to solve this problem, we recommend
that you use the Portal Filter plug-in. Using Portal Filter can provide the
following benefits:

– Filtering is faster than finding
– Reduce the hindrance of unstored calculations
– Filter large amounts of portal data for speed and ease of use
– Reduce the number of portal records showing to increase performance
– Building filters is much faster than building “find” scripts
– Almost completely eliminate portal pop problems
– Easily filter large text fields
– Overall user experience is greatly improved

“The Portal Filter Plug-in …gives FileMaker Pro portals more power and
flexibility than ever before.” – FileMaker Advisor Magazine

“Matching text through portal filtering is an incredibly powerful tool to
add to any FileMaker application. oAzium Portal Filter does it
automatically, without writing the complex text calculations. Moreover,
it’s instantaneous, even when the amount of text to be searched is so large
that a calculation would be completely impractical.” – Brian Dunning,

“Wouldn’t it be great to have a type-ahead feature?”, said Vince Menanno,
President of Waves in Motion. “In a sense, filtering gives you a feature
like type-ahead. Just type a few letters, press the Enter or Tab key, and
the portal is instantly filtered, showing you only the found set of records
in the portal. And, selecting a record that remains in portal view is a
wonderful thing.”

Explore the example file provided with this strategy paper and we are
certain that this technique will greatly improve your portal performance,
as well as provide you with numerous other benefits.

Download this strategy paper in the strategies area (near the bottom of the
page) at the following link:

Waves in Motion is a full service development and consulting firm
specializing in FileMaker Pro enabling technologies and offers database
needs analysis, custom consulting and co-located web hosting. Popular
developer tools and solutions include Analyzer, Visualizer, Dragon Web
Surveys, Course Wizard and a suite of oAzium Plug-ins – Events, Portal
Filter, Date and Time, FileTools and Smart Card. Waves in Motion is a
Partner Member of the FileMaker Solutions Alliance and a member of the
Apple Solutions Experts.

Waves in Motion
Imagine the things you can do!
4131 N. 24th Street, Suite A201
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Main: 602-956-7080
Fax: 602-956-6754
Partner Member | FileMaker Solutions Alliance

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