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Project Timer 1.2

Press Release


Project Timer 1.2 is a major upgrade to the world’s most popular time
tracking program for Mac (Jaquar 10.2 and lower) and Windows. Project Timer
is not only the simplest and most powerful time tracking software available
it is now one of the most fully featured ways to track billable time.
Excellent for independent contractors, consultant and anyone who needs to
monitor the time they spend on various tasks.

Project Timer is unique because it evolved based on satisfying users needs
for a complete and practical time tracking system. Below is a list of
Project Timer’s features. But the list below only gives a weak description
of Project Timer’s ease of use and abilities. To really know Project Timer
download and start using the fully working version of Project Timer in a
real world situation.

Download Project Timer from:

Now you can save time and make money by using Project Timer.

Main Features of Project Timer:

* this application works on OS X, Classic and Windows
* simple to use
* a click of the button to start and stop timing
* totals are then generated
* works unattended in the background
* open Project Timer files in AppleWorks or Microsoft Excel
* only $20 US dollars
* AutoSave restores unsaved files after a crash
* Add, Edit or Remove comments from time entries
* Export Project Timer files to work with just about anything.
* Print reports with your details and a clients details, organized via a
category, client, date. Mac OS X 10.x.x customers can take advantage of the
“Print to PDF” facility to send their reports as PDF files.
* Clients, Categories and hourly rate. You can organize the time records
in the main window, exported documents and reports via Date, Time, Activity,
Category and now via client.
* Mac OS X 10.x.x users can drag records records from Apple Address Book
to the client listbox in the preferences window.

Users Rave

“Time tracking and time management are among the biggest challenges faced
by small businesses, especially creative professionals like me. I searched
far and wide for a simple, intuitive tool that would help me track my time
and then to integrate that tracking into my billing. Project Timer saved my
butt. It works. It’s easy to use. The price is right, and exporting into
Excel is a snap. Project Timer is exactly what I needed and Script Software
keeps making this utility better, even in the couple of months that I’ve
been using it. I highly recommended it.”
– Jon Leland, president & creative director, and publisher,

“Thank you very much! As a graphic designer, I love your product! This is
the best Mac compatible timetracker I’ve used.”
– Paul Marinaro, QuantumGraphix,

“Great work — nice program.”
– Michael Sidoric

“I am happy owner of your great Project Timer software, i use it on all
current projects”
– Antonio Cobucci

“Thank you so much for the categories list! Absolutely awesome now that I do
not have to stick that information in the activities column :)”
– Richard Baskett

“First blush is — WOW — really nice, many nice refinements. Thanks for the
hard work and sharing the talent. That’s what makes Mac so much fun!”
– Michael Sidoric

Changes in Version 1.2

* [add] Checking before updating the record
* [add] Command Shift S for Save As
* [add] additional Export commands for more user information
* [add] padding to the columns to make them easier to read
* [add] Pressing backspace with a row highlighted deletes the row
* [bug] Fixed a issue when saving files with non-engligh characters
* [bug] The animation text has a proper drop shadow again
* [mod] “Reset Column Widths” renamed to “Reset Columns by default”
* [mod] Changed a lot of the text sizes for Classic and Windows
* [mod] Made the rate editfield larger in the mainwindow
* [mod] Prevented the user from having two “Activity” columns
* [mod] The animatin to accept more text
* [mod] the grey background to a iTunes style
* [mod] When hitting stop it no longer refreshes the whole record in the
* [bug] Fixed Bug where activity wouldn’t display unless there was data
in the column
* [bug] Fixed bug where horizontal scrollbar wouldn’t calibrate on open.
Version 1.2 beta 3 changes

* [bug] German dates not sorting is now fixed.
* [add] Can now view the dates as either short,long or international
* [add] Project Timer now remembers which columns and which sort order
you last used.
* [add] The autosave feature for the auto open file will disable if there
was a problem opening that file.
* [bug] When window closes Application still thought Window was open.
* [mod] Double clicking a client, category or export format opens the
* [add] Clients list is now sorted alphabetically.
* [add] Can now choose which columns are viewable.
* [add] Contextual menu for choosing which columns are viewable.
* [rem] Changing client no longer changes category.
* [mod] Windows and UNIX return characters to the Export Formats.
* [mod] A better Export Format editor.
* [add] ** Print facility – must see **
* [add]** Rounding feature **
* [add] ** AutoOpen – Set a file to open when you open Project Timer **
* [add] ** Client Column **
* [add] ** Export Dialog – now choose what data gets exported **
* [add] ** Import and Export of Export Formats **
* [add] Preview of the Export Format.
* [add] Client listbox in the preferences window accepts dropped
references from Apple Address Book.
* [mod] Delete can now delete more than one row at once.
* [mod] When you start recording, it highlights the record.
* [mod] When you stop recording and the record is highlighted it gets
* [mod] The Activity column – you just have to see it.
* [mod] The Preferences Window.
* [mod] Preference Version protection now in place.

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