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Desktop pictures/icons weekly recap

Over the course of the past week, MacDesktops has posted 14 new desktop pictures, including: Nicole Kidman (Portraits), Teamwork (Logos, non Apple), and Lady Liberty (Holidays). Mandolux has issued five new desktops: one Vector-based (Abstract/Woman/Techno), one CAPS (Saint Louis Cardinals), one Steevil (Abstract/Mexican Tool), and two Impressionism II (Monet) desktops. In addition, MacMonkies have added seven new desktops and four new icon sets to their collection, while the PC Weenies site has added six new desktops. Finally, has added 7 new icon sets for Mac OS X: Brushed Metal 1.0, iApps, Pinboy’s Tiki Too, iMac Aqua, Xanthic Ti cons 2, iPod 3G, and Albums vol. 1. If you have a site that posts new desktops or icons on a regular basis, let us know and we’ll add you to our weekly recap.

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