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WinExposé bears striking resemblance to Apple’s Exposé

A Windows software developer has launched a new product that appears to be a blatant copy of Apple’s Exposé, the new feature found in Mac OS X 10.3 Panther that allows you to instantly see all open windows at once with a single keystroke. WinExposé, priced at US$9.95, not only sports a similar name but also appears to offer identical features. “A keyboard shortcut or moving the mouse to a screen hot-spot shows all windows, whether open or minimised, in a tiled display of scaled images,” reads the description for the software. “Click on the one you want to work on and it is immediately brought to the front, in the same size as when you last used it, ready for use. You can also minimise all windows, leaving a clear desktop or just display scaled images of the windows that are from the application you are currently working on.” [Thanks to Frank Piccolo for this news tip.]

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