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Ben & Jerry’s to give away 50,000 iTunes downloads

As part of its annual “Free Cone Day” promotion, Ben & Jerry’s is giving away 50,000 free iTunes Music Store downloads. Visitors to Ben & Jerry’s Scoop Shops across the country and around the world can enjoy a free cup or cone of their favorite flavor on Tuesday, April 27, from noon to 8:00 p.m. Through a partnership with Rock the Vote, adults can register to vote while they are there. The first 50,000 entrants to take an online “Oath to Vote” will receive a special code entitling them to a free song download from the iTunes Music Store. Entrants can also register for a chance to win a sweepstakes with the Grand Prize of an iPod, iMac and a trip to Vermont to spend a day as an honorary Ben & Jerry’s Flavor Guru to create a batch of their own personal flavor.

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