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dbSuite WebBuilder 1.5 – MySQL and PHP

dbSuite WebBuilder – MySQL and PHP finally brought together – Administer
MySQL and generate PHP code to access your database

dbSuite WebBuilder for MySQL 1.5 brings together MySQL and PHP. dbSuite
WebBuilder is an integrated environment to administer your MySQL database
servers and automatically generate PHP code for input forms, edit forms,
list, etc. from your table definitions.

dbSuite WebBuilder combines the philosophy of modern, sophisticated IDE’s
(Integrated Development Environments) with your daily database
administration needs and makes database management and PHP form building a
whole new experience.

dbSuite WebBuilder is available for Windows and Mac OS X. Download a free
trial here:


dbSuite WebBuilder has been developed with Web Developers, Administrators
and Power Users in focus. Use the Integrated Administration Environment
(IAE) to easily

* navigate through your database
* access databases, tables and data
* automatically create input/edit forms (with PHP code to process the forms
and save the data to your database) for your web site based on your table
* automatically generate PHP code to list your table contents (live query)
* monitor and administer system settings
* manage users and access privileges
* graphically create and alter table designs
* monitor server performance
* import and export data
* run sql queries and commands


dbSuite WebBuilder is available as free 10-Day-Trial. The trial release
includes all features of the commercial license.

A commercial license is available as special offer for USD 39.95 till July
15. After July 15 the commercial license is available for USD 79.95.
Commercial licenses include support and free upgrades for 1 year.

Who we are

The MACOSGURU Team is a part of InterServices New Media and delivers
professional solutions for graphical database management, eBusiness and
Intranet on Mac OS X.

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