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Lasso Collaborate Solution

OmniPilot Software Offers Free Lasso Collaborate Solution Another
well-documented pre-built solution to get you started

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – November 15, 2005 – OmniPilot Software, developers
of Lasso, introduces a free pre-built Lasso solution aptly named
Collaborate. This solution enables knowledge sharing among a group of
developers and administrators in order to streamline the development of Web
sites from remote locations or geographically dispersed teams.

The Collaborate solution demonstrates how Lasso can be used to create Web
sites, which will be maintained by multiple users without much knowledge of
HTML or programming. The solution enables the site developer, who sets up
the look and feel of the Web site, to collaborate with the site’s multiple
authors as they create the content for the Web site. The solution helps
facilitate communication and improves decision-making.

“Web development teams must support each other in design, management and
completion of Web sites,” said Brett Circe, president of OmniPilot
Software. “This solution is like a QuickwebLite, perfect for beginners as
well as advanced developers enabling them to complete their tasks no matter
what skill level they possess.”

The Collaborate solution creates a Web site with sections and pages
presented in a menu on the left side of the page. The contents of each page
are shown on the right. The headers and footers of the site and the style
of the text in the site can be adjusted. The solution requires Lasso
Professional 8, and utilizes the built in SQLite database for data storage.
The user interface is displayed in a clean, consistent and modern format.
The Collaborate solution is built using CSS and XHTML.

Get started today, this solution can be downloaded directly from
OmniPilot’s Web site

About OmniPilot
OmniPilot Software, Inc. is a software development company offering
cross-platform business management solutions designed to help
small-to-mid-sized businesses (SMBs) optimize their online presence. With
eight years of custom application development and its 2004 acquisition of
the Lasso product line, OmniPilot Software applications ensure that clients
benefit from time-tested efficiencies, which have proven to yield success.
OmniPilot’s software is used by over 1,000 educational institutions and
more than 15,000 corporations around the world, including Apple Computer,
Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL), Symantec Corp. (NASDAQ: SYMC), Cisco Systems, Inc.
(NASDAQ: CSCO), and Sun Microsystems, Inc. (NASDAQ: SUNW). For additional
information regarding OmniPilot and Lasso visit

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