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Mac Pilot 2.0.5

Koingo Software is proud to announce the release of Mac Pilot 2.0.5! Mac
Pilot is our Mac OS X-only tinker tool for all the cool features and hidden
options you’ve been dying to toy with. With over 150 features, Mac Pilot
easily competes with and beats many of the other more well-known titles on
the market today.

The latest version, which still sells as a $9.95 shareware product (or 15
day free trial), includes numerous new features for modifying the Finder and
Dock’s functionality. Please see the release notes at the bottom of this

Change login window settings, backdrops, Finder and Dock limtations, enable
hidden features in Mail & Safari, completely customize Apple File Sharing to
the extent of which is normally only possible with Mac OS X Server, and so
much more!

Download the latest version here:

Read More:


* New Feature: Added system profile.
* New Feature: Added option to Enable Bundles in Mail.
* New Feature: Added option to change bundle compatibility version in
* New Feature: Added option for iPhoto to always request permission to
launch when inserting blank media.
* New Feature: Added option for including the Debug menu in Sherlock.
* New Feature: Added option allowing the disabling of the scrollbar in
* New Feature: Disable Customize Toolbar in Finder.
* New Feature: Disable View Options for Computer window in Finder.
* New Feature: Disable View Options for Trash window in Finder.
* New Feature: Disable View Options for ALL windows in Finder.
* New Feature: Disable View Options for Desktop window in Finder.
* New Feature: Disable new window target in Finder Preferences.
* New Feature: Added option to make Dock size immutable
* New Feature: Added option to make Dock magnification immutable
* New Feature: Added option to make Dock auto-hide immutable
* New Feature: Added option to make Dock orientation immutable
* New Feature: Added option to make Dock effect immutable
* New Feature: Added option to make Dock contents immutable

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