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Script Timer 2.4


Versatile script and application scheduler goes universal, adds log in time
script scheduling, independent Automator workflow scheduling, and other

Apps & More Software Design, Inc. is pleased to announce the release as a
universal binary of Version 2.4 of Script Timer, a script, Automator
workflow, and application scheduling product for Mac OS X, Version 10.2.8
and later.

Script Timer lets you schedule the execution of AppleScript, perl, and
shell scripts, as well as Automator workflows (OS X 10.4 and up only) and
applications. Scheduling options include specific times of the day, week,
month, or year, regular intervals ranging from one second to any number of
weeks, when the computer enters or leaves an idle state, just before the
computer goes to sleep or just after it wakes up, and when you log into
your account. Using a feature called Dynamic Scheduling, you can also
arrange for an AppleScript script to schedule on the fly any other script,
application, or workflow at a time of its choice.

Script Timer consists of two separate modules, an editor (Script Timer
itself) that you use to create and manipulate scheduling data files, and a
background scheduling engine that reads the data files and does the actual
scheduling work. The scheduling engine is aided by three small background
tools that monitor system idle state, accept sleep and wake notifications
from the operating system, and launch Automator workflows. The scheduling
engine runs in the user domain, which allows it to be easily controlled by
a Start/Stop button in a data file window, and provides for greater
security. A log file records each action, including error messages and
optional messages returned from a script, allowing for easy troubleshooting
and script results recording. The application comes with more than half a
dozen sample scripts that illustrate its use, including examples of Finder
and third party application scripting, and the use of scripts taking input
parameters. Also included is Track Timer, a script that provides an
interface between Script Timer and iTunes for automatic music play.

Version 2.4 includes more than a dozen new features and improvements.

Chief among these are:

– the ability to schedule scripts (not just applications) at log in time

– the ability to schedule Automator workflows without the need to run
Automator itself or to save the workflows as applications, and

– the ability to set repeating action intervals to a little as one second

Pricing and Availability

Script Timer 2.4 is trialware, with unregistered copies being fully
functional for 30 days after first use. The application is now available as
a universal binary at most major shareware sites, and at
( (Just click on the Script Timer button.)

Registration fees for Script Timer 2.4 are US$12 for a single copy, US$300
for a site license, and $US120 for an academic site license. Version 2.4 is
a free upgrade to registered users of version 2.0 or later. Registered
users of an earlier version of Script Timer (1.x) are entitled to a free
upgrade if they registered at any time on or before July 28, 2004.
Registered users are eligible for free email support and receive at least
eight additional useful scripts upon registration.

Versions for users of Macintosh OS 7.5 through 10.1 (10.0 excepted) are
still available and can be obtained at the Apps & More web site

About Apps & More Software Design, Inc.

Apps & More Software Design, Inc. was created in 1998 to provide Macintosh
custom software and consulting for science and engineering. Products
developed by Apps & More that are of interest to the general Macintosh
community are made available as trialware or freeware.

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