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GuancheMOS 1.6

Mosquito SW releases GuancheMOS 1.6

The popular serial number generation/validation plug-in is now
compatible also with Linux executables

Madrid, November 14th, 2006.- Mosquito SW launches GuancheMOS version
1.6, a highly demanded update of the popular plug-in that allows
generate and validate serial numbers for Mac OS, Windows and Linux
REALbasic deployed applications.

The serial number creation/validation machine plug-in is compatible
with applications developed with REALBasic 5.x or later as Carbon,
Mach-O, Universal Binary, Win32 and Linux executables (any x86-based
Linux distribution with GTK+ 2.0 or higher).

GuancheMOS allows REALbasic Mac developers to include in the
applications the ability to generate and check unique serial numbers
or license keys with a minimum effort and a minimum footprint in
their deployed applications.

By using this plug-in, REALbasic developers will be able to build a
program automated assignment and control of serial numbers in a
per-application basis, and integrate the serial validation process in
their own projects and final products with the simple call to a

Main features of GuancheMOS at a glance:

* Create and ckeck / validate unique serial numbers or license keys
for each one of your applications.

* Build complex systems to automate the serial number assignment and
control processes.

* Include GuancheMOS features in your existing projects only in a
couple of minutes.

* GuancheMOS is compatible with Universal Binaries, Mach-O, Carbon,
Win32 and Linux REALbasic executables.

* Scramble and hide the original data with two seed values of variable length.

* No additional fees. As licensed user of GuancheMOS you don’t have
to pay any additional fee for include its features in all your
current or future projects.

GuancheMOS 1.6 is a free update for all the registered users of
GuancheMOS 1.5.6 or later. A new license has a price of US $29.95.

You can visit to learn everything about the program.

Mosquito SW develops applications and utilities for Mac OS, Windows
and Linux. Visit ( to access our latest
products information.

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