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Dejal Simon 2.2.1

A Mac OS X application to monitor websites and servers for changes or failures.

PORTLAND, Oregon — February 19, 2007 — Dejal today announced the
immediate availability of Dejal Simon 2.2.1, the essential site
monitoring tool for Mac OS X. It checks web pages, FTP and DNS
servers, local or remote ports, and other services for changes or
failures, and notifies you via e-mail, sound, speech, or HTML reports.

Add tests to Simon to track updated sites, to alert you when an
important server goes down or recovers, check on Samba SMB, take
periodic screenshots of the system, track posts and new comments on
your or friends’ blogs, check for web mail, make sure a key
application is running, get notifications of updates to favorite news
and entertainment websites, keep an eye on auctions, and many other

Services include Web (HTTP) to check web pages (including secure
ones, and supporting POST and cookies), FTP files and directory
listings, DNS, Ping servers, watch a local Application, capture
periodic Screenshots, watch for System Log Errors, and more. Plus,
you can easily add your own services via custom port connections,
AppleScripts, shell scripts, or Perl, PHP, Python, etc.

Receive notification of changes, failures, and/or recoveries via
various Actions, auto-generated E-mail messages (including to your
pager or cellphone), Growl notifications, an audible Sound, or
customizable Speech.

HTML reports allow remote viewing of a summary and/or details of
Simon monitoring. Reports can be saved to a local web server, or
uploaded remotely. Customizable templates (with several examples
provided) allow embedding in a web page, using a compact format
suitable for viewing on PDAs and cellphones, creating a RSS feed, and

This is a minor update to Simon, but recommended for all users. This
release fixes issues with running Simon headlessly, bugs in the
Script, Web, Growl, and Specific DNS plug-ins, and other
improvements. See the release notes for more information.

Check out the new Dejal Blog for the latest Dejal news:


Pricing & Availability:

Simon is immediately available through Dejal’s online store
( Three license levels are available:
“Basic”, allowing up to 7 tests, priced at $29.95 (US); “Standard”,
allowing up to 20 tests, at $59.95; and “Enterprise”, allowing an
unlimited number of tests, priced at $195. This is a free update for
licensed Simon 2 users.

A fully-featured trial is available as a free download from

Simon 2.2.1 requires Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later.

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