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QuickHelp 3.0 for Windows and Mac OS X

Application Help Authoring Made Easy

September 17, 2007 – Excel Software is shipping QuickHelp 3.0 to support
Windows Vista, add Universal Binary support on Mac OS X, new list
formatting options, PDF book generation, plus tighter integration and
control from a developer’s application. QuickHelp authoring requires no
programming experience or HTML knowledge. It dramatically reduces the time
required to create and maintain a professional help system for any

QuickHelp Windows 3.0 runs as a standard user on Windows Vista or any
computer with Windows 98 or later. It includes royalty-free distribution of
a viewer DLL that can be included and fully controlled from an application.
Help information can also be viewed independent of the application.

QuickHelp Mac OS X 3.0 is a Universal Binary application that runs at
native speed on any PPC or Intel based Mac OS X computer. The royalty-free
viewer can present application help as a standalone application or
integrated as a window within the developer’s application.

QuickHelp 3.0 adds new topic formatting capabilities and more application
control of the help window interface and user experience. Help topics can
be formatted with fonts, colors, images, lists, tables and actions. User
initiated actions may include conditional hyperlinks, show popup messages,
launch applications, present web pages, play movies, run COM methods, apple
events, AppleScripts or paste text into the clipboard.

Help information is stored in one platform neutral XML file. The help file
can include conditional topics and text to present a customized user
experience based on the computer platform or product options. The help
window has an expandable table of contents, web browser like navigation,
index and search capabilities.

No programming experience is required to author help. The tool
automatically maintains the table of contents, index, search capabilities
and link management, allowing the author to focus on the product
information. The end user’s presentation can be viewed at any time during
the authoring process. A PDF book, complete with table of contents and
index can be generated with one command.

QuickHelp Windows and QuickHelp Mac OS X are $295 each or $495 for both.
Each package includes a Builder application for authoring and viewing help
plus royalty-free viewer executables. The printed manual, PDF manual and
online help provides developer information and examples. Visit the company
web site for a product description, demo or secure online ordering.
Established in 1985, Excel Software provides development tools to thousands
of Windows and Macintosh developers worldwide.

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