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MacSpeech Releases ScriptPak for RouteBuddy

MacLive Expo, London, UK, October 25, 2007: Macintosh speech recognition
authority MacSpeech Inc. has released a new ScriptPak for RouteBuddy, the
popular mapping and GPS navigation software for Macintosh. The new
ScriptPak adds over 60 commands to iListen, allowing users to do virtually
anything in RouteBuddy they would normally do using the keyboard or menus.

“RouteBuddy is the easiest to use mapping and navigation software for Mac
OS X,” said MacSpeech Chief Evangelist Chuck Rogers. “Using iListen to
access its features makes it even easier.”

The ScriptPak for RouteBuddy sells for $15 and is available from the
MacSpeech web site. ScriptPaks allow you to control applications with your
voice and are not necessary to use iListen for dictation.

About MacSpeech, Inc.

MacSpeech is a Mac-only company dedicated to producing the finest speech
products for Macintosh.

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