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The Tube 2.0

equinux brings the TV community closer together with The Tube 2.0

equinux introduces TV solution, The Tube 2.0, with TV Chat and a list of
new other features

Munich, Germany / San Mateo, USA — December 13th, 2007: Today equinux
introduced The Tube 2.0, the second generation of its popular TV software
for the Mac, adding new community-oriented features. Using the new TubeTalk
feature, TV viewers can chat with one another about the current program or
even follow other users as they channel surf with BuddySurfing. In
addition, The Tube 2.0 simplifies the overall recording process and adds a
new list of features to The Tube.

More conversation while watching TV — with TubeTalk

With TubeTalk, equinux brings the TV community together. For every running
television program, there is a visible chat room, in which all viewers can
use to chat with one another. In the channel list, each viewer can see how
many viewers are currently watching the running program for each channel,
as well as when new messages are being sent. Each user can create their own
profile, complete with user name, picture and status. The only thing needed
to register is an equinux ID. To make it easier to find other users, you
can search under all available profile information, allowing you to add
your TV buddies to your TV buddy list.

BuddySurfing – let your buddies channel surf for you

Any true couch potato will be excited about BuddySurfing in The Tube 2.0.
With just one click, you can automate your TV surfing, by setting The Tube
to automatically switch the channel along with one of your buddies. So when
your buddy changes to channel 1, 3 and then 6, The Tube will automatically
change your channels to 1, 3 and then 6.

Recording and Navigation made easy

Even if you manually start a recording, The Tube 2.0 will automatically
stop the recording, as soon as the program is over. And The Tube 2.0
simplifies the overall recording process. Once you have a program scheduled
for a recording in the EPG, The Tube automatically removes any other shows
during that time slot, so there won’t be any problems with overlapping.
Even if the computer is in sleep mode when a recording is scheduled, The
Tube will wake the computer up when the recording begins and switch it back
to sleep once the recording has finished.

Easily Find and Save Recordings

To find saved recording faster and easier, simply search by name or date
and search for keywords in the description texts, to help you easily narrow
your search. Users can even search via Spotlight, now that all recordings
are saved in the Movies folder. And those TV watchers, using Mac OS X 10.5
can take advantage of the Leopard QuickLook feature and find all necessary
recording details at a glance.

Prices and Availability

Registered users can immediately download The Tube 2.0 for free from the
equinux Website or by using the update function in The Tube. A full version
of The Tube software can be purchased in the equinux Online Store for 19.95
=A4 (German VAT included), or The Tube can be purchased with the DVB-T (DTT)
USB receiver TubeStick for =A4 39.95 (German VAT included).

About equinux
equinux (, located in San Mateo, CA (USA) and
Munich, Germany, develops and distributes successful Mac solutions for
professionals and consumers alike. Today users from all over the world rely
on equinux’ award-winning and trusted applications. The business solution
VPN Tracker is the market-leading VPN client for the Mac OS X Platform.
iSale, equinux’ successful eBay auctioning solution won several Apple
Design Awards, and currently represents the 2006 winner in the most
competitive category “Best Mac OS X User Experience”.

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