WiebeTech today announced that its RTX RAID units offer advanced features normally associated with RAIDs that start for double their price. The RTX-IR (iSCSI) RAID and the RTX-UR (UltraSCSI 320) RAID both start at US$2,559.95 and include a state-of-the-art RAID controller, super-fast bake times, a strong and portable aluminum enclosure and TrayFree trayless bays. All RTX-IR and RTX-UR units currently shipping feature the advanced RAID controller. The all-metal TrayFree “trayless” bay can handle 50,000+ drive insertions. This means sturdier bays to pop drives in quickly, almost like the old floppies. It takes only a few seconds to load a SATA drive, and an entire volume can be swapped in less than a minute. All-metal bays will begin shipping in late January.