An Event Apart (, the conference for
“people who make web sites,” brings 13 leaders in web design and
development to Chicago, Oct. 12-13, at the Sheraton Chicago. In
addition to Jeffrey Zeldman and Eric Meyer, web authorities and
creators of An Event Apart, this two-day event offers a content-rich
line-up of presenters, topics, and information for web designers and
An Event Apart Chicago offers “people who make web sites” best
practices and new ideas. Conference programmers Meyer, who has taught
hundreds of thousands of web designers how to use HTML and CSS, and
Zeldman, co-founder of the web standards movement, insist that each
speaker must have made a unique contribution to the industry, must be
a star, and must be a stand-out with topic expertise and industry
“Our goal is to fill the heads of people who make websites with more
ideas, best practices, and contact with our industry’s leaders,” said
Jeffrey Zeldman, principal, A List Apart and An Event Apart.
Additional speakers for An Event Apart Chicago include: Andy Clarke,
Author, Transcending CSS; Curt Cloninger, Author, Hot-Wiring Your
Creative Process; Jason Fried, Founder, 37signals; Robert Hoekman,
Jr., Author, Author, Designing the Obvious; Cameron Moll, Author,
Mobile Web Design; Sarah Nelson, Design Strategist, Adaptive Path;
Bronwyn Jones, Senior Writer,; Jeff Veen, Author, Art &
Science of Web Design; Robert Weychert, Co-author, Web Standards
Creativity; and Jason Santa Maria, Creative Director, Happy Cog.
Additional information about the speakers and the Chicago schedule
can be found online.
Early registration for An Event Apart Chicago ends on Sept. 15.