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Photoshop World adds Lightroom Conference

Scott Kelby, g author and conference technical chair of Photoshop
World Conference & Expo) announced that. for the first time,
Photoshop World is adding a conference within a conference to its
upcoming event in Boston, March 25-27: the Lightroom Conference.

Lightroom instructors teaching at Photoshop World include: Katrin
Eismann, Kelby, Julieanne Kost, Matt Kloskowski, Jack Davis, Martin
Evening, Kevin Ames, Andrew Rodney and David Ziser . A complete list
of all Photoshop World instructors can be viewed at

The Lightroom Conference at Photoshop World offers sessions from
morning to night all three days. The Lightroom Conference at
Photoshop World is included in the conference pass, which is
available at

Sponsored by Adobe and produced by the National Association of
Photoshop Professionals (NAPP), the conference — now in its 11th
year — is designed for photographers, graphic designers,
illustrators, web developers, retouchers, video pros, and Photoshop
users of all skill

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