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Miraizon introduces Reframe for Macintosh

Miraizon, a digital media software company, has released Reframe for
Macintosh. It’s a video standards converter that allows users to
convert video and audio from one standard to another. Priced at
US$129.95, Reframe for is available for purchase immediately at .

Using pre-defined settings, users can convert between PAL and NTSC
video, SD (Standard Definition) and HD (High Definition) video, or
film and video. Reframe also provides options for advanced users to
custom-set video attributes such as frame size and frame rate, and
audio attributes including sampling rate and sampling size, to meet
their conversion goals.

Reframe supports a variety of input and output file formats. Users
can convert their movies into highly editable formats as well as
formats suitable for presentations, for posting on YouTube, or for
viewing on iPods or iPhones.

Priced at US$129.95, Reframe for is available for purchase
immediately at .

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