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Open Door Networks ships updated security products

Snow Leopard and iPhone support, Twitter stream highlight enhanced

ASHLAND, OR. — October 26, 2009 — Open Door Networks Inc. today
announced that it is now shipping a major update to its DoorStop line
of Internet security products for Mac OS X. The update focuses on
features and information for Apple’s new Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6)
operating system as well as the iPhone, and adds a Twitter stream and
other customer-requested items.

The flagship of the updated product line is the DoorStop X Security
Suite, version 2.3. The Suite, a comprehensive, integrated approach to
protecting Macs on the Internet, includes updated versions of the
DoorStop X Firewall, Who’s There? Firewall Advisor, and eBook
“Internet Security for Your Macintosh and iPhone” (with “iPhone” newly
added to the title). The Suite’s blog has been expanded to
include the iPhone, and a Twitter stream at
has been added. All updated products require Mac OS X 10.4.11 or later.

Although previous DoorStop products were compatible with Snow Leopard,
they did not include specific information and advice about Snow
Leopard Internet services and issues, or the iPhone. The new releases
include that information and advice, integrated directly into each
product. The blog and Twitter stream are also integrated, with all the
products designed to act together, providing users with both the tools
and the information they need to secure their Macs, and iPhones, on
the Internet.

New features of the product line include:

– Specific information and advice on Snow Leopard services and
security issues
– Specific information and advice on iPhone and iPod touch security
issues, including a full new chapter in the book
– An integrated Twitter stream, directly accessible from the firewall
and advisor
– Support for non-administrative user accounts, which are recommended
for security purposes
– A much improved geo-location service for use with Who’s There?
– Bug fixes

Product pricing remains unchanged: $79 for the full Suite, $49 for the
DoorStop X Firewall, $39 for the Who’s There? Firewall Advisor and $10
for the book, with volume and educational discounts available. Anyone
who purchased any product after August 28, 2009 is eligible for a free
upgrade to version 2.3 of that product. Anyone who purchased any
product before that date in 2009 is eligible for a $49 upgrade to the
full Suite. Free 30-day evaluation versions of the products are
available from Open Door’s Web site at

Open Door Networks, a leading provider of Internet solutions for Apple
products, shipped the first Macintosh firewall in 1998, premiered its
flagship DoorStop X Security Suite in 2005 and shipped its first
iPhone app in July, 2008. Open Door’s mission is to provide Apple
users with Internet solutions that are as easy-to-use and as
innovative as the Apple products themselves. Open Door Networks is
based in Ashland, Oregon.

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