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Pragmatic Bookshelf announces ‘beta’ version of iPad programming book


Pragmatic Bookshelf has released a “beta” version of “iPad Programming: A Quick-Start Guide for iPhone Developers” ( As you might guess from the title, it shows iPhone developers how to build apps specifically for the iPad. The final version will be US$34.

It’s not for beginners (for beginners should check out “Beginning Mac Programming,” also $34)). This book jumps right in and shows busy developers just what they need to know since the iPad is a different beast, according to the folks at Pragmatic Bookshelf.

For the last six years, Pragmatic Bookshelf has made titles available as beta books in eBook formats. Just like beta software, these books are still works in progress. There’s no index; they haven’t been copyedited or fully typeset.

But they do give readers up-to-date information, and authors get feedback to help shape the manuscript to match readers’ needs. Purchasers get free eBook updates during the beta process up through the final version (and updates after the first official printing as well).

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