On this week’s “Tech Night Owl,”Gene Steinberg, the Owl himself, and guests look at Apple’s latest financial results, the brouhaha over an iPhone prototype and more.
Steve “Mr. Gadget” Kruschen talks about his cordless phone “epiphany” and then reveals a new broadband technology that promises to boost speeds by one hundred times. Industry analyst Ross Rubin, of the NPD Group, analyzes Apple’s sales, discusses the prospects for the iPhone and iPad, and gives you his insights on the possible future of the netbook.
“Macworld” Senior Editor Rob Griffiths discusses that alleged iPhone prototype that ended up in the hands of a tech publication, his ongoing opinions about the iPad, 3D TV and text expansion utilities.
You can tune into the live broadcast stream Thursday nights from 6-8 Pacific, 9-11 Eastern from http://www.technightowl.com/radio ; an archive of the show will be available for downloading and listening at your convenience within four hours after the original broadcast. You can also access our show’s podcast feed, now available at http://www.technightowl.com/nightowl.xml .