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Brits choose the iPhone as one of the most important inventions


The iPhone has been voted a more important invention than the washing machine, combustion engine and space travel, according to a survey of more than 4,000 consumers in Britain, reports the “Telegraph” (

The survey was conducted by Tesco Mobile, which carried out the nationwide research among 18-65 year-olds. Those polled also placed the iPhone ahead of the car, camera and flushing toilet, notes the “Telegraph.” The wheel was voted as the most important invention in history, with the airplane in second place, the lightbulb third, the worldwide web fourth and computers fifth.
Other inventions to make the top ten included Graham Bell’s telephone in sixth place, followed by Sir Alexander Flemming’s discovery of Penicillin. The iPhone came eighth, while Thomas Crapper’s flushing toilet was ninth. The internal combustion engine came tenth.

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