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‘Tech Night Owl’ looks at Google & privacy, iPhone 4G prototype

On this week’s “Tech Night Owl,” Gene Steinberg, the Owl himself, and guests look at Google & privacy, the iPhone 4G prototype story and more.

Security guru Rich Mogull weighs in on that curious episode where Google reportedly “sniffed” data from unprotected Wi-Fi networks during their “Street View” visits to neighborhoods around the world. He’ll also cover the ins and outs of Facebook security, so you know how to best protect yourself on that service.

Dan Moren of “Macworld” magazine brings you up to date on the ongoing soap opera about a certain iPhone 4G prototype recovered by an online blogger publication, based on the recently unveiled information provided in a search warrant request by California law enforcement authorities. He’ll also talk about the arrival of Steam for the Mac, an online gaming repository, and whether it means that games on the Mac platform are poised for a real takeoff at long last.

You can tune into the live broadcast stream Thursday nights from 6-8 Pacific, 9-11 Eastern from ; an archive of the show will be available for downloading and listening at your convenience within four hours after the original broadcast. You can also access our show’s podcast feed, now available at .

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