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PHYX releases cure for blemished footage

Noise Industries has announced the release of development partner PHYX’s latest plug-in, PHYX Cleaner, for the FxFactory platform. Designed to work inside After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Apple Motion and Apple Final Cut Express applications, the new PHYX Cleaner plug-in provides digital artists and editors with an advanced palette of tools for repairing and enhancing the visual quality of raw digital footage.

PHYX Cleaner’s video enhancement regimen includes the ability to effectively rebuild pixelated chroma (color) channels, restore lost information in gradients while increasing e color depth, convert fields into progressive comb-free frames, buff-out skin blemishes, and remove high and low frequency jagged noise. 3D artists and filmmakers can also convert harsh 8-bit images to high-bit depth smoothness.

PHYX Cleaner is available for US$199 via the Noise Industries web site ( A trial version is also included with the standard FxFactory installer.

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