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Color Converter upgrade can resize pictures


Economy-x-Talk has released Color Converter 3.0 (, an update of the color conversion tool for Mac, Windows and Linux systems. This tool encodes color values from and to any of the following color spaces: CMYK, H.Lab, HEX/HTML, HSV, RAL, RGB, XYZ and X11 Color Names. Additionally, it provides an RGB-based brightness value.

Color Converter can also analyze any area of your (primary) screen and display a color histogram based on the results of the analysis. A long list of X11 color names can be searched and color names can be converted to all other color spaces with a click of the mouse. With the release of Color Converter 3, Economy-x-Talk has added the ability to resize pictures.

Color Converter 3 is free a free update for current license holders of Color Converter 2. For new users the cost is just over US$10.

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