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Flixster launches single sign-on with Facebook on the iPhone

Flixster ( has integrated with Facebook’s new single sign-on feature for iPhone and Android devices, making it possible for people to begin sharing and discovering movies with their friends with just one click when logged into Facebook.

“Facebook’s new feature shows how an Internet of many connected devices is quickly converging as one platform,” says Flixster co-founder and CEO Joe Greenstein. “Our 23 million mobile users are now just one click away from their friends, whether they are using an Android phone, an iPad or accessing Flixster or Rotten Tomatoes from their desktop.”

Available on both iPhone and Android and iPhone devices, single sign-on for Facebook Platform makes it easier for the over 100 million people who access Facebook on mobile devices to bring their friends with them to their favorite apps, and to get started quickly, he adds. Once a person is logged into the Facebook mobile app, he or she can log-in to additional apps with just one click. With the new sign-on functionality, people will go through the same Facebook log-in permissions model with which they’ve grown familiar, but without the hassle of inputting their username and password for multiple applications, adds Greenstein.

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