Pomfort has introduced on-set data management for RED and H.264 cameras with their update of Silverstack SET. Silverstack SET Edition is a software solution for media management, quality check and backup on the film set and is tailored to the needs of digital film production workflows.
In combination with the present support for the ARRI Alexa, Silverstack SET now supports the most common camera formats used in professional film productions. According to the folks at Pomfort, it covers all important on-set activities starting the very first moment media data is loaded off the camera. Features include checksum verified backup to multiple destinations, tools for quality check, extensive media management features and professional playback controls.
Silverstack SET includes format-specific features customized for each supported format.
Silverstack SET Edition for RED offers :
° Support for RED Rocket acceleration card for 4k realtime playback;
° The ability to export clips to Redcine-X for further manipulation and transcoding;
° The ability to import and export metadata to RDM files for advanced workflows.
Feature highlights of the new Silverstack SET Edition for H.264 cameras:
° Support for any H.264 material in MP4 and QuickTime containers (e.g. from Canon DSLRs and GoPro cameras);
° Extraction of metadata from Canon’s THM sidecar files;
° Export of source media to Final Cut Pro for seamless workflow support.
Feature highlights of the existing Silverstack SET Edition for Alexa are:
° Extraction of all Alexa v3.0 firmware metadata;
° Native support for ARRI color space and ASA information;
° Inspect native Log-C source material with ARRI LUTs applied.
For detailed information on workflow options and format specific features visit
http://pomfort.com/silverstack/setedition.html . A 14-days trial version is available as a free download at http://pomfort.com/silverstack . Silverstack SET requires an Intel Mac with Mac OS X 10.6 or higher.