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Graph graphs graphs on Mac OS X, iOS devices


A new, free app for graphing graphics — appropriately called Graph — is available from VVI ( for Mac and iOS devices in the Mac App Store and the Apple App Store.

Graph supports several 1D, 2D and 3D graph types including bar, column, pie, line, area, scatter, 3D perspective scatter, trajectory and surface, volumetric, z-sliced cell, user defined maps, linear, semi-log, x-log, log-log, polar, r-log, Gregorian date and many variations. Maps are geographic, schematic, process maps, node graphs, floor plans or any diagram. A map of the United States is included, and users can load an additional 30 maps they construct themselves using the optional Vvidget Builder application.

Thousands of graphic, graph and data attributes — including customized artwork, autoscaling and many other attributes can be set by using Vvidget Builder — an optional Mac OS X desktop application, to make a skin document and applying that skin to this Graph application. A few tasks include automated data generation. Least Squares computes linear regression, the Location task plots the device trajectory and the Accelerometer tasks plots the 3D vectors of the accelerometer sensor.

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