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Mail Archiver X for Mac OS X updated to version 2.

Moth Software has announced Mail Archiver X 2.6 for Mac OS X, an update to their app designed as a companion to the user’s email application, allowing consolidation, archiving, cleaning, formatting, and permanent storage of emails.

With Mail Archiver, emails may be saved in its native, Filemaker, or PDF database format. Archiving emails from a variety of email applications into a single database, the app is designed to prevent accidental deletions, facilitates quick searches, and eliminates storage size limits.

Following the archiving process, users may browse or search from the Mail Archiver X Browser. In the far left column is a list of all their mailboxes, plus their Inbox and Sent Messages. The center of the window contains a list of all archived emails, with column headings including: From, To, Subject, Date, and Mailbox. Finally, the right window displays the full, scrollable contents of any archived email selected from the list. Tabs permit selection of any email attachments and headers.

Mail Archiver requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later. It costs US$34.95 and is available at the Moth Software website (

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