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Unblunder for Mac OS X gets maintenance update


Yazsoft has released Unblunder 1.2.1 (, an update of its recovery solution for Mac OS X. It’s a maintenance update with some performance tweaks and bug fixes.

The Yazsoft says Unblunder was developed specifically to help protect against accidental data loss by offering Mac OS X a “Recently Deleted” feature, giving you time to recover files before they’re gone forever. It uses Mac OS X’s UNIX underpinnings to hang on to files after the Trash has been emptied.

When started, it runs quietly in the background and stays out of your way, according to the folks at Yazsoft. For optimal file recovery and peace of mind, Unblunder needs to be running before an accident happens.

By default, trashed files over 250 MB in size linger for five minutes and smaller files are kept for a day. Of course, you can tweak all these settings to match your work style.

Unblunder requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later. It costs US$10 for a single-user license, though it’s included for free with every purchase of ShareTool and/or Playback. A demo is available for download. Version 1.2.1 is a free update for registered users.

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