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iPhone shipments increase 141.8% year-over-year


A iPhone shipment increase of 141.8% year-over-year gave Apple a growth rate more than 12 times that of the global mobile phone market in the second quarter, leaving the company poised to overtake LG as the No. 3 handset maker in the world, according to the IDC research group — as reported by “AppleInsider” (

IDC says the worldwide mobile phone market grew 11.3% year-over-year. Without taking Apple into account, the global market grew just 7.8%.

Apple’s shipments of 20.3 million were enough to give it a 5.6% share of the market, up from 2.6% a year ago, notes IDC. The iPhone maker maintained the fourth-place spot that it achieved last quarter, “while climbing within striking distance of third-place LG, whose shipments fell 18.9 percent to 24.8 million,” says “AppleInsider.”

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